
/c/gaming Modlog
13 days ago
Removed Post Dominion of Darkness -simulator of the Dark Lord/Lady
reason: Community rule 1: No spam or advertising. This basically means no linking to your own content on blogs, YouTube, Twitch, etc.
4 months ago
Removed Comment is this what passes for humor is whatever dank hole they dragged you up from by
reason: rule 2
4 months ago
Removed Comment > what does straight pride look like to you? The absence of a need to feel ashamed for being straight, for starters. Gay pride exists to remove the need for LGBT+ people to feel ashamed for being so, or feel a need to hide it. A mocking "Straight" title implies I now need to feel ashamed for being straight. I'm saying that misses the point entirely, and vilifies straightness instead. Certainly doesn't help gay pride. If you ask me, it feels petty at best. by Treeniks
reason: Rule 1
4 months ago
Banned Treeniks from the community
reason: Rule 1
expires: 4 months ago
4 months ago
Removed Comment If I'm not allowed to be proud of myself, then what am I supposed to be? Ashamed? I feel proud about myself, the things I accomplished, the person I am. I had a friend once who didn't tell us that he's gay for ~3 years because he felt like he'd be made fun of. Of course we didn't, but I feel appalling he felt like that. Yet I don't agree with the sentiment that that means I need to hide my own sexuality, or am somehow not allowed to display it openly, and I especially don't agree with doing so being homophobic. > nobody cares that you’re part of the hegemonic sexuality group nor do I care if you are gay, so why the need to display it? Because it'd be god awful if you felt like you needed to hide it, and the ability to display it implies the absence of such need. I'm not saying there should've been a "Straight" title, I'm saying adding one that's mocking me, trying to make me feel ashamed, ain't the right message. by Treeniks
reason: Rule 1
9 months ago
Removed Post Roaring Kitty’s diatribe on GameStop forced Nasdaq to halt trading 8 times in an hour as the company’s stock surged then plunged
reason: offtopic
2 years ago
Removed Post GTA RP Mobile, New Role Play (NEWRP) action-adventure game
reason: Ad