
/c/usa Modlog
7 hours ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: personal attacks
expires: in 17 hours
7 hours ago
Removed Comment Ok, Russian Agent #3454. by
reason: personal attacks
6 days ago
Removed Comment Are you ignoring all the fascist shit happening across the world lately as well? This particular thing may be US-exclusive, but countries across Europe are doing their best to get back to the early 20th century again as well. Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union again, and China is trying to take the Pacific by force, much like the Japanese Empire had a century ago. There are parallels across the globe happening every day, don't delude yourself to thinking this is a US-only phenomenon. by
reason: misinformation
6 days ago
Removed Comment Population is too high. The only solution is to knock off a few billion because no one will strait up quit making babies, and just austerity will cause collapse. Historically, war is a solution for population crisis mitigation. Too many mouths to feed? Reduce your own while possibly increasing resources from someone else. We never hear the real reasons and news stories. Watch interviews of anyone that has had access to the classified US presidential news feed. They all say the same thing; that it is amusing how bad and misinformed the mainstream media is by comparison. People said this about the news cycle 20 years ago when the news was marginally more credible, or at least far better funded. by
reason: malthusianism
7 days ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: using tankie slur
14 days ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: using tankie slur
expires: 4 days ago
14 days ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: using tankie slur to attack people
expires: 4 days ago
17 days ago
Removed Comment That's the thing, it's not just about non citizens voting. It's also about preventing people from filling out absentee ballots in other people names and dropping them off in ballot boxes. It simply prevents a lot of fraud from happening by
reason: promoting fascism
17 days ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: promoting fascism
17 days ago
Removed Comment Not true at all, Republicans just want to make sure it's actually Americans that are voting, and not illegals. You have to have a DL to drive, get a hotel room, and pretty much everything else you do. Why shouldn't you have to have one to vote? The argument of trying to disenfranchise large groups of people is ridiculous. You can't have fair elections free from foreign interference if just anybody can fill out a ballot and claim they're a US citizen on it by
reason: promoting fascism
1 month ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: spam and trolling
1 month ago
Removed Comment God what a whole lot of mental gymnastics to get a clickbait headline. Skimming the article it's 95% "Hillary Clinton bad" and then backflips to try to associate it to Biden. Checks sub. Yeah that checks out. Checks OP. Yeah that checks out. by BarqsHasBite
reason: personal attacks
1 month ago
Removed Comment How is it you always have the worst takes? I swear you tankies all have brain damage. by
reason: personal attacks
2 months ago
Removed Comment Honestly, for this reason here, the U.S should have their leadership and capitalists mossad'd, if you know what I mean... Total regime change... and settler mentality challenged... by Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
reason: advocating violence
2 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: being uncivil
expires: 2 months ago
2 months ago
Removed Comment I'll take "Stupid Tankie Takes" for $100, Alex. That's not quite the dumbest thing I've heard today, but, no, wait, it is. Your insistence that *everything* is the fault of capitalism, as if no problems existed prior to Adam Smith, is just... Breathtaking in it's ignorance. But I guess when the only tool you have is a hammer and a sickle, then everything looks like a nail or wheat. by
reason: tankie slur
2 months ago
Removed Comment From a military and geopolitical standpoint? Yeah... Israel is actually super important. There might have been a time (... decades) ago when we could have allied with a nation that the majority of the Middle East didn't hate but that ship has sailed. It is increasingly complicated because actually giving a shit about the Palestinian people won't even help those relations. Look up how Egypt and other nations have treated Palestinian refugees. They are largely considered to be criminals and terrorists who will try to overthrow nations (at least some of that is thanks to Hamas being terrorists who will try to overthrow nations). But the best comparison I have seen is "Imagine if a country was committing genocide against the Romani people (again). Every European nation would complain about that and say it was wrong. How many would open their borders to the refugees en masse?". The genocide of the Palestinians is a useful political tool against Israel but it isn't like any nations are going to step in to actually protect them. And (Israel assisting) Hamas more or less wiping out the PLO and becoming the de facto (and increasingly de jure) leadership of the Palestinian people immediately eliminates any chance at a two state solution for obvious reasons. And a one state solution would largely be a return to the open air prison status quo... unless we wanted to play peacekeepers again and have another decade or two of pointless occupation that just destabilizes the region even more. Fuck Biden for his decades of unflinching support of Israel's genocide. But this is very much a situation where there is no solution. by
reason: genocide apologia
2 months ago
Removed Comment So what you're saying is I *should* kill myself. by queermunist she/her
reason: Rule 2, no suicide comments please
2 months ago
Removed Comment I'd rather kill myself than vote for genocide. by queermunist she/her
reason: Rule 2, no suicide comments please
2 months ago
Removed Comment So the apartheid America also ending the Reich was not fascist at all for opposing fascism. You are too uneducated and not able to think about your own writing. Heated with genocidal rage that you are. by
reason: Rule 2
2 months ago
Removed Comment Mass murder is fine as long as it gets the groups you hate also, huh? Little genocidal fascist psycho. You're as sick in the head as the Trumpers who want to genocide marginalized groups. by
reason: Rule 2
2 months ago
Removed Comment Love seeing tankies trigger themselves over China not being able to lay sweeping nonsense territory claims without people calling their bullshit by
reason: tankie slur
2 months ago
Restored Comment Ah unsourced youtube videos from "some dude" with 11k followers. Real tight ship you propagandist sail eh? by Aniki 🌱🌿
2 months ago
Banned Aniki 🌱🌿 from the community United States | News &
reason: rule 2
expires: 2 months ago
3 months ago
Removed Comment That's true. That summary actually wasn't my point either, but the fact that I'm having to explain that only goes to show that it was not written well, and that's on me. It's a bit of a ramble I inflicted on everyone with a point mixed in. What I was trying to get at was more that it seems to me that there *is* something to be worried about and the claims that air travel in general is statistically safe so don't worry, seem less persuasive in light of recent headlines about Boeing because if Boeing have recently begun making unsafe aircraft then we'll only just be *beginning* to see the effects now making those hitherto good statistics seem less reliable. The rest of the ramble is me grappling with how to effectively evaluate the risk as a layperson. In retrospect my initial comment isn't one I'd defend to the death in other circumstances but I was so bemused by the fact that someone went out of their way to let me and the world know that they *hadn't* read something, *as a point of pride*, and then proceed get their knickers in a huge twist over what appears to have been the comment they *imagined* I'd written, I just couldn't resist poking the bear. by
reason: 🤖
3 months ago
Removed Comment The problem with not reading things is that when you comment on them the chances that your comment makes any sense or is relevant are greatly diminished, your last comment as a case in point. Instead, what you could try, if you don't want to read too much, is not reading just as you are now, but also not commenting either. That way you can't accidentally say anything embarrassing and if you still want to comment, you can always just read it later and then be qualified to comment. by
reason: Mr. Roboto
3 months ago
Removed Comment I don't really feel adequately equipped to realistically assess how big of a deal or risky this really is and how hysterical would really be appropriate for one to be. However, I'm not sure in regards to this specific issue the reassurances about the safety record and statistics for air travel in general are completely relevant. The issues are nebulous problems relating to Boeing specifically where the relative likelihood of a problem and how attributable it is to Boeing or specific models of Boeing planes is unclear. This means you can't simply assume hopping on a Boeing aircraft signals an immediate danger. However, while it has always been the case there's *some* danger involved in any kind of transportation air travel included, the issue being considered is to what degree is that being increased because of specific things happening with Boeing aircraft, not the overal air travel industry. For example, if this were a more concrete safety risk, maybe something that can very precisely tell you that a Boeing plane is a guaranteed death sentence, the overall landscape of air travel safety statistics, *right now* wouldn't look very different unless and until the reason for that increased risk was allowed to persist while flights continue, after which increased incidents would affect that safety record. Like, to take an absurd hypothetical, maybe someone has planted a bomb on every 5th plane manufactured by Boeing that goes off randomly between every 300th to 500th flight that plane takes. If this became known, you'd have a greater chance of getting on a Boeing aircraft that was not affected or which was taking one of the nth flights that wasn't the unlucky number, but you'd still not get on any Boeing planes because this *specific* problem is outside of the usual factors that had until now driven the otherwise rosy statistics for air travel safety. If someone tried to persuade you to get on one of the planes by saying the trip to the airport by car had been statistically more dangerous than the flight would be, basing their statements on the record of flight safety for air travel generally throughout its history until that point, they'd normally have been right but in that circumstance it'd be madness to get on the flight knowing there was an unusually high chance it had a bomb on board even if the cited statistics before had included previous incidents where deaths had occurred from aircraft that had had bombs on them before this specific scare. Obviously this is very different as there isn't the same deliberate malice or exactly known likelihood of an incident, that's just a hypothetical extreme for illustration but I guess I'm not sure how reassuring it is to know that *before* there was specific cause to think travelling by air on a particular manufacturer's aircraft was less safe than previously thought, air travel in general on any plane was considered pretty safe. What if the current issues are set to change those statistics over time? by
reason: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
3 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: Select all squares with traffic lights
expires: 3 months ago
3 months ago
Removed Comment You might want to learn what the word genocide actually means. Hamas could stop the killing **today**\* if it gave a shit about Palestinian people. Instead, they are cashing in on a PR bonanza and people like you making it worthwhile. \* Agree to release all hostages in return for a cease-fire. by
reason: genocide denial
3 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: Rule 1 and 2
expires: 3 months ago
3 months ago
Removed Post Remember, Lemmy is but a sliver of reality
reason: uncivil post, very tasteless especially about trans people
4 months ago
Removed Post What countries are more supportive of business?
reason: Not news or politics
4 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: Rule 1
expires: 4 months ago
4 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: rules 1 & 2
expires: 4 months ago
5 months ago
Banned marilyn from the community United States | News &
reason: spammer
5 months ago
Removed Post start your investment today and become financially stable just like other successful investors here we are 💯 keep your dm coming for more guidance on how to get started💬📉
reason: spam
6 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: spam account
6 months ago
Banned from the community United States | News &
reason: spam account
11 months ago
Removed Post antipsychiatry news
reason: offtopic