My 13 year old daughter was called a Nazi at school because she’s of Jewish descent. Not Israeli, Jewish.
But don’t let that stop your enjoyment of this strawman comic that pretends like anti semitism plays Zero part in the reaction
If that happened, huge if these days, that’s awful. Doesn’t excuse the genocide Israel is doing, doesn’t stop the fact Israel needs to be completely dismantled.
Every modern ethnostate so far has committed genocide. Ethnostates are bad.
What’s the alternative to an ethnostate. A corporate oligarchic cyberpunk hellhole light like America. Or a post national passport office like Canada?
Perhaps not starting it on someone else’s country?
Settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing is the root of all evil here.
The argument isn’t “antisemitism doesn’t exist”. The argument is “criticism of Israel is not antisemitism”.
Zionists have hijacked Judaism. This reminds me when Arabs and Muslims were expected to apologize for Alqaeda.