Andor was so well done that it stressed me out. The cheesy schlock of Bobafet was just what I needed.
Honestly, fair (and I say that as someone who is a huge, huge, HUGE fan of Andor). Like, if you’re looking for some cheesy fun science fantasy schlock about space wizards, do not watch that show.
Honestly that’s what made Andor so damn good. Not a whiff of The Force shenanigans. Just an ordinary guy trying to live his life and keep his head down, and that just isn’t enough because of the level of corruption in The Empire.
One way out, indeed.
It pains me no end that there’s all this great fiction out there in a vast universe just waiting to happen, and they keep coming back to the same boring family of fucking space wizards.
Idk, I feel like we just haven’t visited tatooine enough.
But for real, there are thousands of inhabitable planets in star wars and we always end up on one of like 6. They make the galaxy feel so small.