How about TWO layers of tissue? Checkmate, scientists.
Signed, the toilet seat nest-builders of the world.
I like to put shiny things in my nest.
Try a dozen. Public toilet paper is the thinnest substance known to man.
If you’re able to hold it long enough and you’re truly worried, folding a wet paper towel over a couple of times and using the hand soap to clean the seat and then folding it over again to get a “rinse” before you sit down is a better way to go about it.
“I’m worried about germs on the toilet seat”
“Well, they gave you paper towels, soap and running water, why not clean the motherfucker?”
“Nah, imma just put the thinnest material known to man in between my butt and the seat”
If you’re going to take advice on what to use to protect your butt from a toilet seat, taking advice from bloodfart is the best option.
Most public bathroom tissue is exactly one molecule thick.
*Thinnest and yet roughest. Not thick enough to be a barrier, and it can rub you raw to provide an entry point at the same time!