No…just no. China’s prison population is not counted correctly, just from their forced reeducation camps, its estimated they have 1-2 million people in them. The usa has around 1.2 million in prison. So no china does not have less prisoners. I don’t know where this bullshit lie showed up but it’s been repeated way to long.
Does the USA have a problem with incarcerating people for non-violent offenses, hell yes, but that’s a whole different argument.
China is also much larger than US. Even with your fantasy numbers US has more prisoners per capita.
America is a authoritarian nation. You guys just killed a guy and several bystanders over a 2.9 dollar fare ffs.
Lol @ fantasy numbers…only a tankie would think that.
Yea we have problems, but acting like china is better is hilariously wrong.