This is not a conversation about guns. This is a conversation about items that have withstood abuse that are near unbreakable.
Some items I have heard referenced as AK47 of:
Gerber MP600: It’s a multi tool
Old Thinkpad Laptops
Mag lights
Toyota Hilux
A firearm is very much a tool in some non-combat applications. Ranching, for instance.
Honey, bring the AR-15. The cows need to be reminded who’s boss.
Well i think its more to deal with wild animals that wander in and attack the cows lol
Real, cows gotta learn!
Having a firearm larger than a pistol that is semi auto is very much needed. ARs are no worse than any other hi cap semi auto all the way back to invention of semi autos so if you ban an AR you my as well ban every semi auto. I’ve seen coyotes and wolves in packs corner someone in the woods. Bolt guns just aren’t an option for certain situations. Hate the system causing oppression and the person for doing bad things due to outside factors illness or systemic issues not the tool used. A firearm is a tool nothing more nothing less. Without a user its useless.