When you ask people what they would do if they had a time machine, a lot of them would mention “go back in time and kill Hitler”. But I’ve been having this thought lately - and I know it’s deeply problematic and inconsistent - but what if Hitler actually was from the future and decided to travel back in time to prevent the genocide that Israel is currently executing.
They’re quoting this comedy sketch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKw8Y4AzH_Y&t=339
Wow! I have not seen that standup routine or heard anyone mention those thoughts before. I’m very glad that I am not alone with having that problematic idea pop into my head.
And I - just like Daniel Fernandes - should clarify that I do not under any circumstance attempt to white wash Hitler. It’s merely a stray thought which makes a crazy plot line.
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Hitler is the reason why Jews were able to colonize Palestine and why US and EU enbled them and do so to this day.
Shoulda let him be a fucking artist tbh