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the only peer reviewed source you provided spends as much time detailing risks as it does explaining potential benefits.
That doesn’t disprove anything at all. The health benefits are there and it’s not difficult at all to eat a variety of grains, seeds, mushrooms, vegetables, fruit. You only need one of each supplement: the multivitamin and omega 3 every day.
Also byw people in general are not getting enough vitamin d and fibre in the average diet.
You’re just putting your head in the sand to keep up your old habits while ignoring the evidence just like an anti-vaxxer.
it shows that the evidence you’ve provided doesn’t actually support your claim
Now you’re just moving the goal posts and claiming what ever suits your beliefs.
no, I’m examining your position, and the evidence provided, and found that they are insufficient.
“Insufficient” despite the fact these are reputable sources. I’m done debating with a troll.
Here are more studies on the topic though if you’re interested in reading them:
Many credible physicians recommend Whole-food plant-based diets (WFPB).
Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets
Ten years of life: Is it a matter of choice?
Low-carbohydrate diets and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: two cohort studies.
Plant Foods Have a Complete Amino Acid Composition
Mortality in vegetarians and comparable nonvegetarians in the United Kingdom
Beyond Meatless, the Health Effects of Vegan Diets: Findings from the Adventist Cohorts
The Health Advantage of a Vegan Diet: Exploring the Gut Microbiota Connection
Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies.
Vegetarian Diets and Medical Expenditure in Taiwan—A Matched Cohort Study
Energy and protein feed-to-food conversion efficiencies
Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change
only one of them* is peer-reviewed. it doesn’t actually support the claim that you’re using it to support. The others are of dubious validity, but they also don’t make the same very strong claim that you have.
edit: “them” was in reference to the comment a few back in the thread. the gish gallop of links that appeared after i wrote this comment all appear to be peer reviewed.
calling me names won’t change the facts.
if anyone thinks any of these spammed links is proof, please point it out. I’m not clicking every one. this is the most blatant Gish gallops I’ve seen in months.