exactly, which is why politics free games like assassins creed and call of duty sell like hotcakes…
wait, Ass cree is a series about political intrigue throughout history and call of duty is about warfare as a result of political goals.
Are you sure people play games to escape politics?
Yeah uh what the hell was Mass Effect and the Witcher if not extremely political. You could be a genocidal Shepard remember, you could let the entire council die and push for a human only version. Most people who cry out “it’s woke” just have never put it together before.
Yeah but those aren’t the same on the nose reminder of real life politics that dragon age is guilty of
The game literally stops to lecture you on how progressive of a game it is, it’s just stupid virtue signaling
Yeah I think video games are primarily used as escapism
You know people play cod because they like the 6v6 arcade shooter mode, not for the story or the campaign