Round 1: grilled
I’m not sure how I am supposed to judge food based on pictures. It could look like dwarf barf, if it tastes and feel good it’s ok.
I can’t even tell which is which. Based on the beef patties I had last night, the right is the meat. But the left could be meat too - but cooked by a heathen on a very very low grill. But as you say, who cares if it tastes great? I don’t even need Beyond meat to taste like meat if it tastes delicious.
Wow. Can we please be more sensitive about little people? They are a small group that is usually overlooked. And just so you know, “dwarf barf” as you call it, looks the same as anyone else’s barf. Tastes the same too. A little sweeter, actually, because of all the little cookies they eat.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. It also made me notice that outside of rpg-based community what I said can be really out of place. Sorry about that :/
“I think they mean like, fantasy dwarves” -is what I was typing when I read the last sentence of your comment
Why are you on this community
To see nice pic of food. And you?