Round 1: grilled
It’s funny how vegetarians/vegans are so in denial about their love of meat that they will spend endless amounts of money and effort trying to replicate it (and always miss the mark by a huge margin).
I don’t have any problem with meatless meals, I eat them often. But I also eat meat, because humans are omnivores and there is no better delivery system for the nutrients we need than a little meat here and there. Yes, most people eat way too much meat, but the solution isn’t to wipe it out entirely. And people talking about “ethical” and “poor animals”? Watch some nature documentaries. “We’re supposed to be more evolved/better/etc!” We’re animals, Karen, not some “god”-created, ordained, outside-of-evolution, special beings. Grow up, eat a burger, feel better without working yourself to death making some poor substitute for it, and join humanity. Which we are because we ate meat. You want to de-evolve into a lesser species of humanity by destroying actual meat and using a poor, inadequate substitute.
It’s pathetic. But of course, in-denial vegans/vegetarians will downvote this. Every downvote is further proof of your jealousy and hatred of reality.