
/c/news Modlog
10 days ago
Removed Comment Lmao. This high score is awesome. by
reason: Not nice
15 days ago
Removed Comment You can not be serious: by
reason: don't do this
22 days ago
Removed Post *Permanently Deleted*
reason: Wrong community
22 days ago
Removed Post *Permanently Deleted*
reason: Wrong community
23 days ago
Removed Comment Cover for their war crimes like a good dog. by
reason: Not nice
24 days ago
Removed Comment Funny how talking about actual peace seeking is considered propaganda around here. You can't really ignore facts, but you don't have to agree with my opinions. Which part of my statement is real propaganda though? The CIA part? They started Radio Free Asia during the cold war in an effort to combat public opinion on communism. The NED founders also admitted to being started/funded by the CIA. Those are just facts. They have many organizations that overtly do what they used to do covertly. The CIA has always been a threat to peace and democracy. Anyone arguing against that is either uneducated or a fed. 🤷‍♂️ The only things I really care to speak out on are pro-israeli douche lords that either obfuscate the truth or willingly spread harmful information, pointing out when I think warmongering consent manufacturing articles are hypocritical, and debunking capitalist/oligarchical lies. I speak on US issues because I am a citizen and I grew up with them. I don't know Russian or Chinese so I can't speak wholeheartedly about those regional issues because I only know whats been spoonfed to me through state owned media. I just assume the state lies about its enemies, as has been documented in the past. In this circumstance I wanted to highlight a concern regarding the taboo of criticizing the west's actions when it comes to Russia (and China). You don't have to agree with me, but I think it is valid that I want people to be more critical of all parties in the current geopolitical climate. For fucks sake, we (the US) can all acknowledge how corrupt the bush/cheney administration was and then suddenly assume those problems went away when we got the first black president. Our politicians/state is corrupt to the core, I don't understand why people are suddenly incapable of recognizing consent manufacturing when most of us had it shoved down our throats growing up. Anyways, hopefully you understand my pov in future sightings. ✌️ by
reason: thread cleanup, user instigated prior to this reply
24 days ago
Removed Comment funny, i was about to say the same thing to you. by pbjamm
reason: thread cleanup, nothing wrong with this comment
24 days ago
Removed Comment I know whenever I see your name to expect some kind of propaganda filled BS 😂 by
reason: instigating
30 days ago
Removed Comment > excessive emphasis on “traditional values” in their campaigns It was also "if not us then Communists", "if not us then Nazis", "anti-fascism in the world" and "counter-terrorism" in the past. > In my country, the AUR party makes heavy use of medieval rulers like Vlad the Impaler (yes, that one that is known in the Western pop culture as count Dracula) to stirr nostalgia for a past most people don’t know. We-ell, there's a certain appeal in impaling Turks for me, it makes the remaining ones friendlier. > They are basically romanticising the past in order to get to power, and maybe blur the line between the democratic institutions afterward - just like in Russia, but also in Hungary or even Poland. As if they weren't in France or in UK or in Italy. My opinion is that we're fucked from all sides, there's no need to pretend it's only a handful of countries. by
reason: maybe don't joke about impaling people
30 days ago
Removed Comment > he asked for ..., as well as support for Ukraine’s civilians The same civilians his illegitimate regime kidnaps from the streets and forcibly sends to the front lines to die? by
reason: misinformation
1 month ago
Removed Comment Bahahahahahahahahaha go die for being this dumb by
reason: Not nice
1 month ago
Removed Post Offshore Real Estate Wealth Stats
reason: not news
1 month ago
Removed Comment What? The ICJ doesn't even have the authority to issue warrants. What's the ICJ gonna do? The ICJ "ordered" Israel to halt military operation only if a certain number of parameters were met, which Israel is saying they haven't been, so are continuing the Rafah Op, lol. The ICJ is going to get someone like South Africa to go an complain to the United Nations, and any resolution will be vetoed by the United States. And Israel is goin to root out every Hamas terrorist hiding under Rafah so help them God. by downpunxx
reason: cringe
3 months ago
Removed Comment Bro, I'm just seen bullshit from every thread and post. I'm not Chinese, I'm not even American, I'm a fucking third party watching how everyone commits war crimes, seeing propaganda everywhere and morons like you believing every crap of it. From space news to regular economy shit, and then the war everywhere. So you see, It’s getting tiring. You're the only one defending bullshit, I'm just calling you* out. by
reason: not productive
3 months ago
Removed Comment You just can't stop, can you? by
reason: not productive
3 months ago
Removed Comment >Imagine defending a genocidal regime in your free time. Are we talking about China or the US? Can you recognize your own bullshit? Do YOU get paid? by
reason: not productive
3 months ago
Removed Comment It would be pretty embarrassing if you were uttering this nonsense for free. I hope you're at least getting paid for it. Imagine defending a genocidal regime in your free time. That's more than just morally bankrupt. by
reason: not productive
3 months ago
Removed Comment And...? Doesn't change the fact OP and YOU (probably the same person) are spouting crap, sensationalism and propaganda. Man, not even OP's title is the same for the article (a purposely neutral article). US good China bad hurr durr. by
reason: not productive
3 months ago
Removed Comment April 1 bullshit by
reason: ?
3 months ago
Banned Lindsay-Blackburn527 from the community World
reason: known span site
expires: 3 months ago
3 months ago
Banned Lindsay-Blackburn527 from the community World
reason: known span site
expires: 3 months ago
4 months ago
Removed Post West decries Russia's reelection of Putin, China, India vow closer ties
reason: copied article body
4 months ago
Removed Post Georgia Judge Dismisses Certain Criminal Charges Against Donald Trump
reason: ????
4 months ago
Removed Comment > Why does the IDF refuse to send forces into these soposed tunnel networks They're **real**, not supposed; but there's more to the story... [From November:]( > Amid widespread condemnation about Israel's targeting of the hospital, CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour asked Barak if the IDF and the Israeli government had done a "good enough job of proving their claim" that there was a "major" Hamas command center and bunker under Shifa. > Barak replied "It's already been known for many years that they have a bunker that originally was built by Israeli constructors underneath Shifa," which was used as a "command post" for Hamas and as a "junction of several tunnels" > "When you say it was built by Israeli engineers, did you misspeak?" asked Amanpour. > Barak, who was Israel's prime minister from 1999 to 2001, responded, "decades ago, we were running the place, so we helped them." The Gaza Strip has been controlled by Hamas since 2007. > "It was many decades ago...that we helped them build these bunkers in order to enable more space for the operation of the hospital within the very limited size of these compounds." by
reason: cleanup
4 months ago
Removed Comment I’ll admit, your comment is amazing. You start by saying that Hamas is so unlike a government or even an organized terrorist group like Isis that no one can possibly use common counter terror tactics against them, and by the end your saying that they are the government of Gaza repeating civilians who don’t want peace and which is actively fighting a war. As to your point about bunkers. Yes soldiers die in combat, that is why Isreal gives them combat pay. If you never send soldiers to fight against Hamas to gather intelligence from the places where you say there is the intelligence necessary to fight them, then by your own admission you are not trying to fight Hamas. Their was a reason why for instance the US sent actual soldiers with training in intelligence gathering into Osama Bin Ladin’s compound instead of just launching a few unguided bombs which lacked the physical accuracy to hit a specific building, even though doing so risked the soldiers getting shot at. But hay, maybe if the Israeli soldiers are unable to clear bunkers they can beg for the US to send the soldiers it used to clear the far more heavily fortified bunkers networks in the mountains of Afghanistan. Because going to where the enemy is and trying to get basic intelligence isn’t fighting fair, it is what you need to do to fight period. Moreover, why would Egypt want a bunch of Israeli refugees? Because at the end of the day, Palestinians are people who lived on the land that is now called Isreal for thousands of years, and now live in locked down territories that are administered and controlled by the Israeli government, and who by the Isreali governments own policy are dependent on Israel for their safety. Surely it is Isreal’s responsibility to intograte them into its population, not some foreign government. But as to your original point. Irregardless of what you personally think the word means. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group" Palestinians are an ethnic group native to Palesitine, read Isreal, and not Egypt. Removing them from their houses in Palestine, after they were expelled from their homes in Isreal for being the wrong race, and putting them in the desert south of Gaza seems like an effort to destroy an ethnic group by a prolonged effort of ethnic cleaning. Although if you want to be more specific and talk about the words your original comment was about. Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal such as deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction. I really don’t see how the forced relocation by property destruction could be contested, seeing as the IDF is again by its own admission not using weapons capable of targeting specific buildings. Pushing all the civilians further south so that ‘they’ stop attacking is also, fun fact, called collective punishment and is prohibited by section 33 of the Geneva convention. by Sonori
reason: cleanup
4 months ago
Removed Comment You say "Hamas" like they're a set of uniformed people that can be targeted. They aren't, they're a guerilla group operating intentionally inside civilian locations and even households in order to shield themselves or at least cause public outcry when Israel goes after them. Why does the IDF refuse to send people into bunkers? Because it's a great way to lose a lot of soldiers, bunkers literally exist to prevent entry and capturing them will cost tens of thousands of Israeli lives. Why should Israel have to fight fair if Hamas will not? Why are they being pushed closer to the border? Because if nobody lives up north, then Hamas can't use the northern areas to attack the adjacent areas. Also important to remember, is that Gaza itself was created by an invasion from Egypt the day after Israel declared independence, and was controlled by Egypt for almost 20 years before Israel took it back. Now Egypt locks that border and doesn't want these people either, while simultaneously not giving much of a shit about the tunnels being used to smuggle arms into Gaza. Israel isn't even trying to kill a large number of the supposedly targeted population, there are a couple of million people in Gaza, and they're only at a few tens of thousands after months. That's near the birth rate of the area. They may be trying to expel them from the area, but I don't really classify that alone as genocide, given what genocide has historically looked like. What's happening to the 8 million Uyghurs right now in China is genocide with forced marriages and banning of cultural practices, what's happening to the hundreds of thousands of forcibly transferred children in the Ukraine-Russia conflict is genocide, what happened to the millions of Jews killed by the Germans was genocide. Killing 30,000 out of over two million Palestinians and pushing them into a smaller area at the south part of Israel so they stop attacking them just doesn't meet the bar of genocide for me. Israel had to build a multi-billion dollar fucking rocket defence system just to keep civilian deaths down from this neighbor that wants peace so badly. That worked so well that Hamas instead decided to just build some tunnels and kill a thousand Israeli civilians directly, and their people cheered them on for it. I call that a war. by
reason: cleanup
4 months ago
Removed Comment If this is Israel trying to ethnic cleanse like the headline, they're doing an absolutely shit job of it. They haven't even killed 1% of the population in 5 months. I really wish people would use the right words to describe the situation. Palestine is being given arms by Iran and friends to attack Israel, Israel is being given arms by the US and friends to protect itself from Iran and friends. This is called a proxy war, not a genocide. It sucks thay civilians are caught up in it. However that's one of the upsides for Iran and friends, and completely intentional, they don't give a shit about sacrificing Palestinians in their crusade against the western powers. This war would be over tomorrow if Palestinians had no constant supply of smuggled weapons. They sure as hell can't support the fight themselves. by
reason: intent to kill people is bad, we do not need a dick measuring contest around how many people are killed to quantify this
4 months ago
Removed Post 100+ KILLED: IDF FIRES On Starving Gazans Swarming Aid Truck
reason: let's just move this all to a better thread
4 months ago
Removed Post Beijing criticizes proposed US sanctions — RT World News
reason: reputability questionable
5 months ago
Banned kf076948 from the community World
reason: spambot or similar
5 months ago
Removed Post A newlywed from Oklahoma was Found Deceased Beneath Clothing in...
reason: ????
5 months ago
Removed Post Russian aircraft begin patrolling Syria-Israel disengagement line — military
reason: Low credibility source, Conspiracy, Censorship, Propaganda
5 months ago
Removed Post *Permanently Deleted*
reason: not really news
6 months ago
Removed Post "The impossible choice for my family in Gaza: stay and be killed together, or move and risk dying apart."
reason: duplicate
7 months ago
Banned from the community World
reason: need to chill, you're just trying to start fights now
expires: 7 months ago
7 months ago
Removed Post Reservists help lost Gazan child who fell asleep in IDF encampment
7 months ago
Removed Post SDF seizes mortar launchers in Hasaka following attacks on coalition bases
7 months ago
Removed Post *Permanently Deleted*
reason: this is basically propaganda, let's not do this.
7 months ago
Banned from the community World
reason: go away
8 months ago
Removed Post Let's talk about Biden, leverage, and signals...
reason: Doesn't belong/not news
8 months ago
Banned from the community World
reason: authoritarian apologist, being weird about Tibet
8 months ago
Removed Post Brotherhood Alliance rewriting Myanmar's war narrative
reason: seems like propaganda?
8 months ago
Removed Post Biden wants to ban ripoff "financial advisors"
reason: not world news
8 months ago
Removed Post *Permanently Deleted*
reason: Terrible source
11 months ago
Removed Post Fulton County DA says work is done in Trump probe and ‘we’re ready to go’
reason: not world news
11 months ago
Removed Post Hunter Biden guilty plea in doubt over immunity questions
reason: belongs in US news
1 year ago
Banned Call Escort from the community World
reason: spammer
1 year ago
Banned Call Escort from the community World
reason: spammer
1 year ago
Removed ATGM 🚀 as a mod to the community World
1 year ago
Removed SeerLite as a mod to the community World
1 year ago
Removed SeerLite as a mod to the community World
1 year ago
Banned davehtaylor from the community World
reason: not engaging in good faith
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Unbanned from the community World
1 year ago
Banned from the community World
reason: tankie trolling
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Banned from the community World
reason: tankie anti-ukraine troll
expires: 1 year ago