Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being racist and shooting innocent people, companies demanding workers into offices, privacy being under constant attack from all sides… And all this despite the effort I go thru to block that from my view. I can only imagine what the unfiltered feed is like.

I get that this is all important stuff but holy shit it’s depressing when that’s all I read here every day. Sure, some of it is legitimately news worthy but lets be real here; much of it isn’t. It’s just to get you riled up and engaging with the post. It’s the exact same thing all major social media recommendation algorithms are doing; feeding you content that causes outrage to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Do we really need to know about every stupid thing Elon says or every police shooting where the victim is black?

It’s no wonder so many people, especially younger ones feel absolutely miserable from day to day. It can’t be healthy to live like this. I feel like this kind of media diet is pretty much equivalent to eating fast food every single day.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    1624 days ago

    I don’t have that problem, especially on lemmy. My feed here is mostly about taking action, not doomerism.

  • MacN'Cheezus
    122 days ago

    I’ve been alive long enough to tell you this has been going on since long before Lemmy and it also never stops. Newspapers were a thing before social media existed, and they also tended to draw a much more sordid and depressing picture of the world by focusing most of their reporting on negative things instead of positive ones.

    I believe this is basically an evolutionary trait in humans – we tend to give far more attention to negative stimuli than positive ones because it used to be necessary for our survival. Those people who missed the sabretooth tiger sneaking up on them while they were having fun simply did not make it long enough. However, in the modern era, this has become somewhat of a problem because it can be exploited to sell newspapers and clicks, and while paying attention to all that negative input probably won’t kill you, it’ll at least make you extremely depressed.

    The only remedy I have is to make it a habit to pay more attention to positive things in life – at least enough to create a solid counterweight to all the negative stuff. Either turn off the computer from time to time and go outside to chill, or do other things that relax you like listening to music or making art. Or you could take a page out of Mr. Roger’s book and “look for the helpers” when consuming doom and gloom stories on the web – i.e. make it a habit to look for the good in the bad to avoid losing hope.


      2124 days ago

      Same here. I don’t know if I could in good conscience go back to Reddit, but the constant doomposting makes Lemmy seem more and more unattractive by the day - and that’s after applying a hefty amount of post filters.

      I keep telling myself that if I just stick it out, we’ll eventually get enough users to drown out the negativity, but some days I wonder if we’ll ever get there when that’s like 95% of the feed.

      • Iapar
        1024 days ago

        I think you are doing something wrong if you still see this things.

        1. Make an account.
        2. subscribe to wholesome subs.
        3. browse by subscriptions.
        4. just see wholesome content.

        Bonus points if you create the account on a wholesome instance so you can browse local too.

          224 days ago

          At the risk of burying my reply I was about to post at the top level ….

          Is it just me that this is a technical problem? Is it just iOS? I get logged out multiple times per session, such that one of the reasons I browse all is so I don’t need to login yet again until I want to post something. (And I use an older iPad with a fingerprint reader that is neither fast nor reliable). Of course the other reason is lack of content, but I’m trying to do my part there. But laziness is a big deal.

          For those people recommending finding a project: can I recommend “with a side goal of bringing a Lemmy Community to life”? I recently adopted a new community for a new hobby of mine. I found it existing but empty, so can only speculate it was created during Rexxit. I’ve been trying to post twice a week to see if I can draw people in, and it has gotten up to double digit subscribers, but definitely a work in progress. Anyhow, now my focal point in Lemmy is to eagerly check whether anyone posted, and to see if there is a response I can take to encourage more. All the doom and gloom takes a bit of a back seat

            324 days ago

            I think one of Lemmy’s issues is that everyone wants to create a community instead of contributing to what’s here. People expect to have all the “niche hobby” communities like Reddit had right off the bat, but we don’t have the mass of people to support that - especially when you can have multiple communities for one topic across instances. Everything dilutes to nothing.

            So we end up with nearly a 1:1 user/community ratio and every community either gets abandoned or only has 1 power-user posting.

            I think the solution is essentially what you’re doing - to take existing communities and breathe life into them. Start out small and focused, and then branch out when it feels necessary.

          524 days ago

          I’m not necessarily looking for “wholesome” content, though. I’m looking for interesting content.

          Also, there isn’t enough content to browse just a few subs, and there are a lot of communities being created that i would miss out on, and “opt-out” is generally my preferred way to browse.

      2424 days ago

      Agree. Lemmy seems to have like… Some sort of progressive LGBTQ friendly black pill folks or something. Completely resigned to doom posting, always negative. Always looking to kneecap. Always bringing up macro scale issues on micro scale events. Calling for violence, saying society is guaranteed toast.

      24 days ago

      I find this to be an interesting take.

      I feel like Reddit had significantly more negativity if you compare now to the 2016 election cycle.

      There is a major difference, though… Reddit also had stronger niche communities (at the time). Those communities are largely marginalized now, but I guess they are likely still larger than here.

      So you’d see the political stuff, but then you’d see your favorite game got an update. Those distractions are admittedly less numerous here.

      This said, the astro-turfing on Reddit was insane. Way, way worse than anything I’ve seen here. The worse thing we have here is They are far worse than astro-turfers, since they just straight up delete comments and ban people that dissent from their propaganda.

      But if you block them, or join an insurance that has defederated them, then you’re alright. Fair warning, my instance has not done this… yet.

      624 days ago

      Can we not create the communities we wish to see on Lemmy ourselves? I know it might not be full of people at first, but if it at least exists, people who want to interact about said topic in said community can find it eventually and do so, and it can grow over time. Or is this not how it works? Is my logic flawed in any way?

          123 days ago

          Is the audience for it not here or does the audience not find smaller communities? I for one just browse whatever loads up on Jerboa, and created an account mainly to have some control over what I see (i.e., blocking stuff I’m not interested in). I don’t know that I’d find smaller communities if they don’t get more popular or popular communities get less active to the point of these smaller communities showing up. I don’t know that I can search for anything but communities (on Jerboa, at least). Is there even a search for general, idk, posts and stuff? Not denying maybe the audience isn’t here. Just think maybe finding smaller communities isn’t as easy (or maybe it’s just me, idk. I’m not even looking for specific communities, tbh. Lemmy is my “eh, I’m not doing nothing right now. Imma just check this app on my phone”)

          122 days ago

          Is there nothing that can be done about it? Maybe have some sort of community to find smaller communities. Maybe people just don’t know (and maybe don’t look for or find) there’s a community they might like

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      24 days ago

      I’ve checked it out again recently. It has gone way downhill. Once vibrant communities are now full of themed variations of Ask Reddit questions. The posts are such obvious trivialities created for nothing more than to drive meaningless engagement.

    • Alice
      424 days ago

      Honestly reddit has gotten less negativity because a lot of it moved here. I still use reddit I use both reddit and lemmy.

      Got back from a lemmy break recently because I couldn’t stand the negativity and needed a while away from it

    222 days ago

    That’s a risk of reading the news in general. For many people, it’s helpful to log in less frequently. Remember, people write about things important to them, and that includes bad situations, of which there were and will always be tons of.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4124 days ago

    Even if you ditched the internet for a while, the real world is fucked and getting more so every day and the only way you still wouldn’t notice is if you live in a little bubble completely isolated from the rest of existence.

    • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.eeOP
      924 days ago

      I disagree. On the internet it seems like the world is burning (and it kind of is) but outside in the real world sun is shining, birds are singing and people are being polite to eachother. Those two places are in no way equivalent.

        123 days ago

        Do you live in the country far from a city. In the UK where I live there’s been a rise in homelessness, roads are packed full of cars, the water treatment companies are poisoning our rivers and beaches, I saw the environmental agency destroying a habitat that was home to several birds, old victory buildings getting knocked down in anticipation of student accommodation, high street in my city has betting shops and casinos, local shops can’t compete with the corporations. Its grim

        3124 days ago

        The world is actually burning though, and there are fewer birds, and people are tired and stressed all the time, and money is tight, and this is all in the real world, no internet required to experience any of that. The internet may expose you to others struggles that don’t affect your real world, but it still affects theirs. The ability to commiserate is what helps a lot of people cope with their real world, and might even invite insight on how to end some of those struggles.

        1824 days ago

        In the real world your bubble is super small and it tends to be pleasant that is because you intake a lot less information and data about what is going on.

        The internet and global community has TONS of information that someone focused on their life won’t exactly notice. There is ways even on the internet to surround yourself with just positivity and fun. But the fact of the matter making people feel negative gets more clicks and drives more money.

        Take a break enjoy your life. Check in on the internet occasionally.

        1724 days ago

        The horrible things we see on the news, whether through traditional or Internet consumption, are being experienced by real people. The kids starving in Gaza aren’t ai generated.

        • xigoi
          -524 days ago

          And what are we meant to do about that?

            24 days ago

            If you’re in a country that is providing the bombs. You can try to stop that from happening.

            Worth noting I agree with the general point of this thread. I just disagree with people saying problems like Israel’s genocide are none of our business and that nothing we do can have an impact (again assuming you’re in somewhere like the US or UK that provides bombs and diplomatic cover)

          524 days ago

          Believe it or not, I do try to think of this as a positive. Not the things that are happening obviously, but they’ve always been happening. It’s a positive thing that people are so much more aware and engaged with the world. It may be a huge hit for the individual’s mental health, but this awareness and engagement is the way such things will eventually be prevented. So, congrats to being more aware and engaged with global atrocities compared to previous generations?

          In this sense, the issue in Ukraine has especially hit me. I thought imperialism was a thing of the past. All those deaths and injuries from both sides, disregard for lives, all caused by one person’s imperialist ambitions and his ego.

      123 days ago

      the real world is fucked and getting more so every day

      Okay I know we have climate change and that is seriously bad.

      But the world today is vastly, vastly better than the world 50 years ago. I agree that the world is still fucked but it was more fucked yesterday. Let’s not let the doom newsfeed turn us blind to the fact that the world has in fact gotten better over the last many decades.

      24 days ago

      Here’s your moment of zen ……

      Sometime during the last school year, my state enacted a new financial aid program for instate college tuition. On April 29, we got a big surprise refund of most of the tuition we paid for the last school year for my son! College costs are finally getting attention!

      1924 days ago

      I live in a country with multiple problems right now, but I’ve grown to be aware that the more I actively look at negative commentary on the current situation (most are online given anonymity), the more I get into panic mode, which clouds my longterm thinking of trying to get into a better situation (whether it’s self-soothing, changing state policies by any measure, relocation, etc)

  • JATth
    424 days ago

    I try to filter out most of this negative stuff, but it has a downside. You become disconnected from the raw information feed if you don’t occasionally just look at it. For short periods, it’s tolerable, but then I just re-enable all filtering to reduce my cognitive load.

    If I need to be cheered up, I prefer to look for science articles or news since these are generally about unbiased progress.

    1424 days ago

    The world is depressing, and if we just stick our heads in the sand and ignore it all because that feels better nothing’s going to fucking change.

    Sure, focus on positivity so you don’t collapse into a depressive blob, but the idea that we should ignore the state of the world because it’s unpleasant is terrible.

    • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.eeOP
      1724 days ago

      There’s probably a healthy middle ground somewhere between the two extreme ends. “Sticking your head in the sand” is harder than you’d think. I go out of my way to try and avoid seeing these articles but I bet you couldn’t name a single current event I haven’t heard of.

        424 days ago

        I think it’s fair to say that the world was on a steady course of getting better for decades since WWII, but then had quite a strong dip after 2016. I think things have been picking up again lately, but the reason we see so much negativity is kust because there is more of it.

        Don’t forget though, the “best” news is negative news that is what people always talk about. Good things are simply expected and so not really talked about.

        It’ll all be fine, try to indeed focus on the more positive elements for now

  • aasatru
    1624 days ago

    There’s a genocide going on with what appears to be more or less the full support of the countries that make up the defence union my country is a part of.

    There’s war in Europe.

    I find those topics worthy of discussion, and any social media where this is not actively discussed seems to me to be a smokescreen more than anything.

    Of course tragic realities like the genocide we are complacent in, climate change, war in Europe, Russian propaganda and the rise of the far right is going to be actively discussed. It concerns more or less everyone who uses this platform, and they are the most important issues of our time. It’s not about negativity, it’s about coming to terms with reality and seeking to understand it.

    That said, the communities I follow are largely apolitical stuff that interests me. Woodworking, knitting, gardening, owls, art, and the Fediverse. With the exception of ! and !, I let the political stuff come through the cracks rather than actively following it.

    I also have a Piefed account on which I follow news communities but actively filter out Trump and Musk. I can see how Amercians still feel the need to talk about these men, but at the end of the day they’re just fascist attention whores.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      524 days ago

      What is consuming everything actually doing for you? Like, how is it benefiting? What positive actions does it inspire that lead you to creating a better world?

        1024 days ago

        Personal insecurity comes from lack of understanding of systems that impact you.

        Everyone has different needs and wants out of their society, but we all have the same axioms. Learning how to connect your axioms to your political identity is a very strong way to feel more connected to your community and the people you care about. Learning how the world works can help guide choices and support others who may also be struggling. Understanding how politics and sociology work gives you a window into how people are motivated and you will make better decisions.

        And more than anything, the MOST important part of learning how the world functions and how science, politics, religion, emotion and relationships are all tied to each other, is that it defends you against bullshit and lies.

        You and I are very vulnerable to the way others can trigger emotional responses and then use those feelings to explain an agenda. People do this all day long, every day, on every side of the political spectrum, and it’s VERY easy to get pulled into these clubs and communities, most of which are either scams or grifts trying to sell you something or trying to get you to become a walking advertisement for what they’re selling.

      24 days ago

      Politics are dumb but very, very important

      I know that saying well.

      And I agree. You are not learning to understand politics because you think you’re going to run for office and change the world, you learn so you understand what’s actually going on and so you can help educate others.

      Seriously, everyone out there who rather just block out anything to do with politics and society and are overwhelmed by the idea of finding the path to least harm, you are only going to make your insecurity and anxiety around politics worse by ignoring it or condemning it when you see it. Forming strong values around your axioms is politics, and when you find a confident stance like “Do good things, don’t do bad things” and learn what consequences are of different attitudes and actions, you become a LOT more complete and confident and less likely to be absolutely railroaded by the very real forces out there who will exploit your apathy. It doesn’t mean you have to preach or lecture anyone, just know how things work.

      Sitting it out, ignoring it, hiding from it… that feels like you’re escaping, but you are just playing into the plans of those who need you to be apathetic. You don’t get out of taking a side here, so start learning.

      023 days ago

      The problem with politics on lemmy is that it isn’t a discussion at all, but a one-sided circle jerk. Almost every post is some flavor of Right Wing Bad, and any attempt at nuance or calling out hypocrisy results in a sea of downvotes and what appears to be shadow bans. There are no dissenting opinions allowed. If you spend your time consuming heavily moderated and filters content, it’s going to produce anxiety. But more importantly, it isn’t even reality.

        224 days ago

        I use boost and it has a block/ban list of words in titles of posts. I have maybe 50 or 60 words in there and it really helps.

            224 days ago

            Why helldivers? I haven’t even heard that game talked about in like, over a month.

            • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.eeOP
              324 days ago

              Many of the filters are outdated but I just don’t remove them. Lemmy has these certain topics that start trending and then there’s constant articles being posted about them because people notice it’s a popular topic. If it’s something I’m not interested in I’ll just pre-emptively block it after seeing few similar threads in a row. Same as with the Kermit/Sailor moon AI content for example.

          • Glifted
            24 days ago

            I gotta ask what’s with the Kermit, Sailor Moon, Heathcliff filters?

            • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.eeOP
              424 days ago

              People were posting a ton of Kermit and Sailor Moon AI content a while back and I wasn’t interested in seeing it. Same applies to the Heathcliff comic.

          • nifty
            24 days ago

            Based on this list, maybe you need a niche and cozier community instead of a link aggregator. Have you considered starting your own community? Or maybe only subbing to communities which match your hobbies?

            • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.eeOP
              324 days ago

              Lemmy has such a small user base that the niche communities I do sub to get almost no new content at all. Lemmy is literally the only platform I can browse on my phone when I’m bored. I don’t have any other social media, games or anything. It takes about 3 minutes for me to scroll thru my subscribed feed after which I start browsing all where I’m blocking several uninteresting communities a day to make my feed even remotely interesting.

              I have created a community on another account but it quiets down immediately when I stop posting. The equivalent one on reddit gets probably 30 new threads each day.

    24 days ago

    IMO the issue isn’t that there’s too much negative content, but that there isn’t enough of everything else. I’d encourage people to post, engage with and signal boost other kinds of content they’re interested in. May just be that politics and social issues are some of the most popular interests in the community.