Extraneous apostrophe’s
/s for the Americans
I got you’re back, bro
Semi colons are for winks only.
Their taste in music. Sorry but if Pink Floyd is your favorite band i have to assume you’re boring
What’s your favourite band?
It changes daily. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Thanks for asking
I just checked it out, very boring /s
I judge people for being gate keepers of music, I used to be one and no one likes it. People have different tastes and it’s horses for courses.
Sorry Pink Floyd is my favourite band and I totally do not feel like a boring person 😂
They’ve probably just never been in the correct head space to listen to it because they’ve been conditioned to listen to mind numbing pop chart shite.
People who write “rouge” instead of “rogue”.
or tounge
Or people who are so “weary” of danger.
Or who write: your welcome
I see that alot.
^ ^ ^ ^ that’s my trigger
Makes me RED with anger!
Defiantly agree 🙃
Whenever another guy recommends something I find repulsive, for various reasons, I tend to write off most respect I had for that person.
Lately some guys have talked positively about Andrew Tate, and it’s just made it easier for me to know who is a gullible prick and who to avoid.Casual fossil fuel use. Not work related shit, but asking me to drive an hour to you to chat because you won’t learn discord is demoralizing. I know that it’s not a big source of CO2, but it adds up and the same people who do it also throw food out, don’t fix anything and don’t demand more action from their politicians. They RP as revolutionaries, but don’t do anything.
Disheveled hair. If you have long(ish) hair and you’re going out in public, at least drag a comb through it so you don’t look like a bed-head.
judging other people
Nosing (instead of reversing) into a parking spot. You always pick the conditions of your arrival, but not always your departure. Also, reversing into traffic is ridiculous and illegal in some places. Parking nose-first is dangerous and lazy.
EDIT: Love how you’re all justifying your bad driving habits. Camera? Still can’t scan for incoming traffic. Bad weather only on occasion? It’s more than bad weather that can make reversing out of a door dangerous.
… and I HATE angle parking.
With a 180 degree camera it’s not an issue to go backwards. I usually nose in so I have easy access to the trunk.
We get inclement weather about once every 6 years. I’ll choose to live dangerously.
Found the German.
Parallel parking, or angled parking?
I like to live dangerously.
The speed of their windshield wipers.
Yes! It’s barely spitting outside, why are your windscreen wipers trying to break the sound barrier?
How much time it takes for somebody in front of me in line to complete whatever the line is about.
I’m sometimes super slow at the start of self checkout. If the bags are stuck together, not open, and if I didn’t bring my own, sometimes it takes me 2 minutes just to open a plastic bag. I’m trying my hardest!
Or the people who are determined to discuss bullshit at length that is completely unrelated while there is an extended line behind them. I’m empathetic if you’re lonely, but this isn’t the time or place. Take your ass to a bar (you can order food/non-alcoholic drinks if you like), and you can run your mouth to the patrons there. You can also go to parks, live sports, live music, hobbie/enthusiast events, etc. All these events have people you can mingle with, but fucking lines with captive employees and other people tattooed behind you trying to conduct business isn’t the place.
Ahhh, dude. For real. Have your fucking ID or ticket out before you get to the front of the line.
That is a 100% surefire way for me to lose them, no dice.
Have it on your phone.
That’s a 100% surefire way for me to have my phone snatched, no dice.
You son of a bitch…
Pronouncing the word “cache” as “cash-eh”
Cashay is a stripper name.
Or data as dada
Depends where you are. Here in Australia you’ll get judged for calling it day-tah.
Also route is not root
Are you sure they aren’t saying “cachet”?
I’m sorry, you don’t get to maul the pronunciation of loan words and then correct people when they use the correct pronunciation. The word comes from the french cache/casher which is pronounced exactly cash-eh. Where do you think the -e comes from?
cacher does, but cache as in “cache-toi !” (go hide!) and “je me cache” (I’m hiding) are pronounced “cash”.
Besides, “correct” pronunciation in a different language is pretty meaningless. The word may have come from French but we’re speaking English, not French.
Also, it might not be a loan word so much as a legacy-of-foreigners-taking-over word (c.f. the Normand invasion of Britain), which doesn’t tend to help the language’s users care about respecting the “original” pronunciation. I’m not certain when exactly cachet entered English.
From the Mirriam-Webster website:
A cache is a group of things that are hidden, and is pronounced like “cash.” Cachet can mean “prestige,” “medicine to be swallowed,” or “an official seal,” and is pronounced “cash-ay.”
Cache and cachet share a common French root – the verb cacher (“to hide”), which is pronounced \cash-AY\ – but they are pronounced differently and mean two different things
In English, yes. My point is that cache/r/t is the root of both words, the pronunciation changed in english which often happens with loan words, and it certainly is OK to use the local pronunciation – but correcting someone who uses the correct pronunciation of that word, with self-righteous indignation even, is very silly behavior.
“But we’ve been pronouncing it wrong for 300 years!”
If we said every loan word the way they were originally pronounced in their various native languages then English wouldn’t exist.
Perhaps, probably not - not my point though. My native language has a lot of English loan words with local pronunciation, which is the correct pronunciation of those words in my language according to any dictionary, however to indignantly correct someone using the original english pronunciation for saying it “wrong” would just be bizarre.
Cool story bro. How about this, you continue to say cache however you want and I’ll continue to silently judge you for it and we can all just move on with our day?
Fine by me, it’s obvious you no longer have an argument – or anything otherwise interesting – to contribute to this discussion anyway, so what would be the point?
What if I pronounce the word “caché” as “cash-eh”?
Whether people read as a hobby or not. As it implies a type of interest into the world around them.
And as a lesser second, what they read.
People with shattered phone screens.
Pretty much anyone with a broken phone screen are just chaos moving around.
Being smarmy. I can’t stand people who are ready to manipulate anything out of people as they do it with their smarmy smirks.
Their choices with tech, choices in consumerism (Stanley Cups hype, hypebeast brands, Temu shit, etc), not using blinkers, amount of time spent staring at phones, hobbies