People who write “rouge” instead of “rogue”.
Makes me RED with anger!
or tounge
Or people who are so “weary” of danger.
Or who write: your welcome
I see that alot.
^ ^ ^ ^ that’s my trigger
Defiantly agree 🙃
There’s this dude at the gym who watches netflix on his phone between sets, taking 10+ minute breaks while people wait in line to use the machine.
I normally try to be charitable about these things. I have no idea if he has some type of fatigue issue or something along those lines justifying the long breaks, right?
But I need to actively push my thoughts in this direction, in some probably misguided attempt to cultivate kindness within my own life. Truth is there’s just something infuriating about watching a movie while sitting in the building’s only leg extension
That’s infuriating. Why couldn’t that guy just let someone else do their set while he does his breaks? Heck, if I were that dude, I would have made an arrangement with someone to alternate sets with.
Even if we assume the guy has a fatigue issue, that’s still no reason to hog the machine.
Speaker on a phone call in public. For that matter, any sound from a phone in public.
Putting the dollar sign after the number. Yes, that is how it is read, but not how it is written. “Five dollars” is $5, not 5$.
Common misuse of words. Decimate means reduce by 1/10 not almost completely destroy. Exponential growth. The variable has to be in the exponent if it’s a constant exponent that is polynomial growth. Gaslighting isn’t just lying. It’s making someone belive that they can’t trust their own memories or experiences so they believe you despite evidence to the contrary.
Being completely unaware of anyone else:
- Standing in doorways, using your phone or having a conversation
- Talking loudly when inappropriate, when I’m in pain at the doctors, I don’t want to hear about your roses
- leaving your shopping trolley blocking the aisle sideways in the supermarket while looking for your stuff
- driving down the middle of the road so everyone else has to pull over, when there’s plenty of room for two cars to pass
- stopping in the middle of the road without indicating, while: looking for your destination, or having a conversation, or deciding what day it is
- riding your delivery bike down the footpath at high speed weaving between pedestrians
As Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people”.
Or as Daria said: “On second thought, hell is myself.”
- riding your delivery bike down the footpath at high speed weaving between pedestrians
Gotta include the ones riding at night in black/dark clothes with no reflectors or lights; be it using the crosswalk, against a ‘do not cross’ or in the middle of the [car] lane, ignoring the bike lane.
You left out blasting across the road at full speed.
Up-voted for the apposite Satre ref.
stopping in the middle of the road without indicating, while: looking for your destination, or having a conversation, or deciding what day it is
That’s my new pet peeve. The thing is I don’t remember seeing people do this in the past and certainly not frequently, but now I see it all the time. Mind-boggling selfishness. I think Covid rotted everyone’s brains way more than we realize.
Someone stopped in front of me… on an offramp. Luckily there was nobody behind me to hit me, but that’s an insane place to stop. No hazard lights, no indication. Just stopped.
I once got caught behind someone who came to an abrupt stop in a roundabout so they could go to the next episode / video on their iPad that they had attached to their dashboard.
I once had someone do an emergency stop in front of me for no apparent reason in the fast lane of a not very busy motorway. I barely managed to stop in time from high speed.
Drag doesn’t mind it, because it only inconveniences car drivers and not any important people.
Aka inconsiderate people
Or stepping off an escalator and just stopping right there to get their bearings.
I can’t find a source right now, because I just woke up and I don’t want to, so (Trust Me Bro, et al, 2024) but there’s a chance that quote is actually about Nazis!
A lot of French people referred to them as “the others” and would often speak sort of semi-codedly about them in writing and such so as not to piss off their new overlords. So that line may well not have been “I’m such an introvert that being around other humans is like being in hell” but instead “hell has delivered itself to my doorstep in the form of goose-stepping bastards”
That’s not at all what the quote is and neither is the top level commenter’s interpretation, and I think it not being these is pretty obvious if you read No Exit. The point that he was making (and this is putting it crassly because I know jack shit about his Heidegger-based phenomenology) is the presence of other people forces us to be self-conscious, to regard ourselves as the object of someone else’s perception and judgement. That’s why Sartre goes out of his way to say the room (their jail cell in Hell, effectively) had no reflective surfaces, so that the character’s perception of themselves could only come from the people they are stuck with (this doesn’t entirely make sense, but I am pretty sure it’s what he meant). You can read him talk about some of the premises informing this by checking out his writing on “The Look,” like is quoted below this comic.
So it’s a slightly obtuse point about intersubjectivity that people have turned into a cutesy way of talking about their own misanthropy. It’s probably more emblematic of the meaning of the quote how people in this thread, original commenter especially, are talking about silently judging people for this and that action.
Low curiousity/worldliness. Honestly makes me think someone is either dull or maybe depressed
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I live in Florida and a coworker asked on which side is the Atlantic, and on which side was the Gulf. My judgement was not very secret because I was completely in shock. I’m still not over it.
I once had a conversation with a cashier in TN that started with a newspaper by check out saying something about remembrance day in England. I explained it’s basically like their version of Memorial Day. It ended with me having to explain what Europe is. A super abridged synopsis:
Me: It’s basically their version of Memorial Day.
Her: why do they need a different version?
Me: they’re a different country, different laws.
Her: it’s not really a different country if you can drive to it
Me:… What
Her: I mean, it’s basically just the same country
Me: you cannot drive to England.
Her: you can’t?
Me: it’s an island.
Her: I thought it was Europe?
Me: you also cannot drive to Europe.
I then had to explain what Europe was, how England is Europe in the same way Puerto Rico is North America. I shouldn’t have included that. Or tried to explain armistice day. It was a very long conversation that ended up going outside during her smoke break.
She was the second grown adult I had to explain Europe to. Tennessee has failed it’s children, y’all. I’m not being funny, and contrary to OP’s premise, I don’t really judge them for this. I judge the state and the school system. It’s bad.
But… You can drive to England, if you are already in europe.
But not from Tennessee.
Sure, but that’s only because you can’t drive to Europe. Not because England is an island?
Technically, you can drive full circle on the planet, but it involves riding ships in some places as they haven’t felt the need to build a bridge or tunnel.
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Nothing depresses me more then leaving my basement and traveling far across the globe, and seeing the same people doing the same shit just like at home.
Desperate people trying to afford necessities, the exploiters lording over them, the corporations running things.
I was young and dumb when I went, but I will never again make the mistake of searching for something that just isn’t there.
I’d rather stay in my basement and pretend there is a better place in the world. But you can only play pretend for so long.
Bonus: every time i struggle to make it, I get to think about the thousands wasted on that trip. I used to be a dumb ass. I still am, but I used to too.
Now playing - Every day is exactly the same by the Nine Inch Nails
Nah I’m depressed but still curious af
Saying that they could care less when they mean they couldn’t care less.
Like, of course anyone can care less than they currently do.
People being shitty to customer service workers and utility, and people not being courteous to them.
Heck, I sometimes judge people for not thanking service workers and utility. For example: if a janitor lets you pass a hallway they’ve been busy cleaning, I’d silently judge you if you don’t thank the janitor for letting you pass. Another example is in a fast food setting: if the person on the counter gives you your order, I’d silently judge you if you don’t say “thank you”.
If someone is cleaning a floor and I have to walk over it, they’re getting several sorrys and at least 2 thank yous, while I do that shrink my body to the side and putting my palms out towards them like a peasant not trying to be whipped by a landed gentry.
I’ve mopped professionally. It sucks.
If I were in that situation, I’d profusely apologize for having to pass through, and would give as much thanks as I did apologies after I’m through. I’d also make sure my footwear touch the floor as little as possible (likely by walking on my toes or the sides of my feet), and try to stick as close to the wall as possible. All just so that they can just redo a limited area after I’ve passed through.
I’ve never done that for a living, but I dread having to clean my room, sweep the floors, mopping it and such. I really feel for those people who had to mop the floors in high-traffic areas.
Oh my God my fucking in laws… Literally any amount of poor service or delay and they’re taking a passive aggressive tone with service workers. It’s absolutely insane. Like, no, I do not think this person has personally slighted you, it’s just rush hour and everybody else is also ordering food right now.
Here are my top 5:
- Being on their phone too much.
- Being willfully ignorant.
- Believing in religion.
- Using proprietary social media apps (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook).
- Using non-free BIOS firmware / non-free software.
I find it rude when people on the bus put their bag on the empty seat next to them, so that you have to ask them to move it when there are no empty rows left. It’s strangely hostile to me.
I think its just polite to leave your bag off the seat until the bus is boarded.
The correct response to this is to ask them to move their bag and sit next to them, whilst there are other empty seats next to other people nearby.
Punish their greed.
Or sitting on the edge of the row leaving empty sits blocked.
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People who make small talk with the cashier or service person when there is a line and people who accelerate in the turn lane.
The roads in my city are as far from flat as you can get. The potholes aren’t bad but the roads are build to slope into the gutters and the gutters occasionally cut through the streets like reverse speed bumps, the train tracks are like crossing wagon ruts.
So if I see you rolling around in some luxury sports car with a 3in clearance, I’m going to assume you’re too fucking stupid to deserve that much money.
My pet peeve about these gutters is 4 way intersections where the city planner put stop signs for the direction that doesn’t have to cross the gutters, and makes the gutter-crossing direction the primary right of way. We have to essentially come to a slow roll to not bottom out, just give us the stop signs as a heads up that we’re approaching a hazard that eats undercarriages.
I’m convinced that exact move is on purpose! No reasonable person can look at that intersection and think, “this can’t possibly be done better in any way.”
Being smarmy. I can’t stand people who are ready to manipulate anything out of people as they do it with their smarmy smirks.
Secretly, I’ll pass judgement on someone until I realize I know nothing about them and would be unhappy if someone judged me without knowing anything about me. Then I judge myself for being judgmental.