When i was a child, i believed autopilot really worked like in the movie Airplane, that it was an inflatable dummy.
I thought babyback ribs were from ACTUAL Babies
This reminds me of the first time I went to see my wife’s family long before we got married. There was a big gathering for Christmas and she had a kid sister looking totally distraught at the dinner table where a feast was laid out. “I can’t eat this! That poor 3-legged lamb!!!” And she ran off.
that if we break tv’s screen , tv charecters can get out of it and we can enter tv
This sounded like it led to an expensive life lesson.
It didn’t , thank god
That the Empire State Building is a restaurant named Empire Steak Building.
Me ordering the ribeye.
Wait… wait… [chewing] he’s got a point
Surely there’s a chain of restaurants or butcher shops in New York called Empire Steak, right?
The semaphore homunculus lived in the stop lights at intersections.
In my Superman onesie (w/ cape), I could fly, but was never brave enough to launch from a high enough step on the stairs. I knew I was flying, but…
That kissing is how you become pregnant. No, really.
It’s actually surprising how many people have believed this.
I remember believing this as well but specifically you had to kiss in a bed.
That a bon fire was a “bomb” fire and therefore, very loud and very dangerous.
I used to call it a “bomb fire” too lol.
For anyone wondering
bonfire (n.)
late 14c., bonfir, banefire, “a fire in which bones are burned;” see bone (n.) + fire (n.). The original specific sense became obsolete and was forgotten by 18c. The general sense of “large open-air fire from any material for public amusement or celebration” is by mid-16c. and that of “large fire for any purpose” from 17c. also from late 14c.
I thought our eyes worked by projecting some kind of energy beam that scanned objects, like how Superman’s X-ray vision is sometimes drawn.
Thank you for sharing that. It was a lot of fun to read through. At the end I was like, wait how did I end up on this wiki?
Da na da na da na da na Bat Eyes!
That encountering quick sand in real life was a real possibility every day.
Bonus: My kid doesn’t believe that Santa is magical, he just has really advanced technology.
Clarke’s third law. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Quicksand thing is fucking stupid though.
Every kid from the 80s & 90s was taught* to believe that, so I don’t blame you.
*By movies & books & games and shit, not by teachers. Well, maybe some teachers…
That there were little gnomes inside the doors of the cars and that they were in charge of raising and lowering the windows, especially in the automatic cars.
Tigers are female lions.
The “dogs are boys, cats are girls” one is a very common answer to this question on reddit.
they aren’t‽
interrobang spotted
I’m a hwat!?
We live inside the earth. Dogs say barf.
These are both subjectively true.
I thought Salvatia must be the poorest country in the world if even their army has to go around begging for money.
That is such a funny mental image.
rice turned water into soil
Growing up, we had a neighbor in the Air national guard who was a boom operator on KC-135 refuelers, meaning he controlled the boom that comes out the back of the airplane and transfers fuel to other aircraft. The boom operator lays face down on a bench and looks out a window in the back of the plane to control the boom.
When I learned that they “operate on their belly”, I somehow interpreted that to mean he performed medical operations on people’s bellies.
It didn’t even make sense to me at the time but I figured there must be some special reason that the operation had to be done while airborne and I was impressed that our neighbor was not only a doctor but an airborne surgeon who specialized in this one belly surgery that couldn’t be done on the ground.
That male orgasm was painful. I got this idea from seeing their o-face somewhere and assuming it indicated pain.
This is why everytime we wanna do it we really mean it because it’s a huge sacrifice /s /jk