From Pizzeria Due we enjoyed the 50/50 Chicago deep dish pizza! Great atmosphere in that little joint an that pizza was great.
upvoted for the wide angle lens photo alone, it’s so immersive feels like im there
As a Chicagoan I can’t let this pass without recommending you try our tavern style pizza next time you’re in town. Deep dish is okay for certain occasions, but I am more proud of some of the Tavern style options you will find around here, like Pat’s or Vito & Nick et al.
Chicago is an amazing pizza city, and people like to say that deep dish isn’t pizza by way of diminishing that fact. Fine, stipulated. Try a slice of the thin stuff.
The hubris of pizza-flavored hotdish.
I wish I had this right now
Me too buddy
I’m cold and that looks warm and delicious!
It’s that Giordano’s?
From Pizzeria Due
That looks better than Giordano’s.
Am blind facepalm
But why male models?
Giordano’s is garbage
I don’t disagree
Nice casserole
can’t see Chicago pizza without my mind playing some Jon Stewart rant
It’s a casserole.
We call it hotdish in Minnesota.
Actually it’s pretty much identical to a lot of hot dishes I’ve seen
I’m surprised you haven’t thought to complete your deep dish pizza by putting some canned onion rings on top.
“I wanna know that when I get drunk and pass out on my pizza, that I’m not gonna drown”
I would do some shameful things to that dish, before it would do some equally shameful things to me.
Looks tasty for sure.
What are those toppings?
Cheese and sauce. They put extra layers on top.
It is a bit weird for me. A real Chicago style pizza for me is cheese, sauce, and sausage. Maybe pepperoni if I’m with a friend who doesn’t know any better. This one looks like it has half pesto and maybe mushrooms on the other half? Usually the cheese isn’t on top either.
It was the numero uno and the four cheese and pesto,
Chicago deep dish isn’t pizza, it’s a fucked up casserole
It’s ok to be wrong
Agreed. Deep Dish Pizza is an affront to the laws of God and Man. It may only be about 8” across, but it weighs about 10lbs
Go back to eating your greasy newsprint with cheese.
Who mentioned anything newsprint related, I’m just saying that if it’s deep dish then the cheese can still be on top like BJ’s. That shit is absolute fire. Sauce on top is gross and an unpleasant mess.
he’s saying the dough is like paper
If I could find a casserole that greasy and full of meat, I’m sure I’d love it too.