Former president Donald Trump disseminated on social media on Friday an image of President Biden with his hands and feet tied and his mouth gagged, the latest example of the Republican candidate’s use of increasingly violent rhetoric and imagery this campaign season.

The image can be seen about halfway through a 20-second video that Trump posted on his Truth Social site. The post says it was recorded Thursday on Long Island, where Trump traveled this week to attend a wake for a recently killed police officer.

In the video, two trucks decorated with giant Trump flags and altered American flags are driving on a highway. On the tailgate door of one of the trucks is the image of Biden lying horizontally, bound and gagged.

Trump has a history of sharing and promoting violent images featuring his perceived enemies.

    6 months ago

    I don’t like saying this but I will forgo any of my liberal socialist ideals if Biden wants to do whatever it takes to get votes from republicans.

    Edit: Man, you people are sad little trolls. Go spend some time out in the IRL world. It’s genuinely depressing to see so many keyboard warriors spend their time regurgitating the talking points from the comfort of their echo chamber.

    To clarify my meaning, whether you agree with my politics or not, I think Biden has been a far better president than anyone could have hoped for (possibly the best I can recall) but I still have a philosophical disagreement with him when it comes to protections and equity for all. I believe there are some programs that the federal government should run to give all Americans the best opportunities (education, healthcare, housing, UBI, etc) and I believe that taking excessive capitalist gains from the ultra wealthy is a small drop in the bucket to promote some fairness. I will lean back on these philosophical ideas which I’ve had little hope of a centrist of adopting and encourage him to lean further right if that means he can take some votes away from the inarguably worst president in modern times (yes, worse than Regan).

    If you think Trump should be the leader of the US, that he some how represents or understands democracy, that he cares about you or the United States, that he’s a good president or person, or is better than Biden in any regard, you and I are not existing in the same solar system so there’s no point in arguing. I don’t have anything against Republicans but the extreme and religious conservatives and the MAGA cult do not align with the freedoms dreamed by our founders or promised in the Constitution of the US.

    • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
      506 months ago

      If things don’t turn around for him, he might have to lower himself to try to get votes from non-Republicans.

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      but I will forgo any of my liberal socialist ideals

      In support of him or against him?

      if Biden wants to do whatever it takes to get votes from republicans.

      Ok, monkey’s paw granted… he does a peace negotiation with Russia on Ukraine and then promptly declares a 2nd war, now on Mexico, Fentanyl, China, Venezuela, and Cuba, because why not?

      I swear, y’all dems practice democratic centralism, don’t ye? Freedom of thought, unity in action…

        -26 months ago

        I don’t know why you’ve thrown fentanyl in there. Doesn’t everyone want to declare war on that? Otherwise, do republicans want war with these countries so much that they’d vote for Biden if he declared war with them (which a president is technically unable to do)?

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          316 months ago

          if he declared war with them (which a president is technically unable to do)

          This would be a worthwhile comment in 1950. Today, it just looks like you are clinging to what your high school civics class taught you like it has any bearing on the world.

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
          466 months ago

          Doesn’t everyone want to declare war on that?

          Nobody with more than a handful of braincells thinks any drug war is a good idea, what the fuck is wrong with you

        • I don’t know why you’ve thrown fentanyl in there. Doesn’t everyone want to declare war on that?

          Idk, I mean it’s something every republican detests… even if they know how the first war on drugs’s consequences… (yk, fentanyl actually has broader medical use, specifically as a legal anesthetic and palliative care, so be wary when fishing the waters with it)

          Otherwise, do republicans want war with these countries so much that they’d vote for Biden if he declared war with them (which a president is technically unable to do)?

          Yaasss, btw, I guess you haven’t heard of hyperbole…

          To add upon this, I’ve heard congress is the only power that can declare war… and, I mean, considering Republican mindset… you can easily get a bi-partisan approval for declaring war on one of those countries

          Note: I guess you see me as a bad-faith arguer?

          06 months ago

          Well if it makes you feel any better, not forgoing idealism in the face of reality would help trump win. So the realism of voting for biden and getting him to win is the best possible outcome, as far as getting as close to your ideals as possible is concerned.

      • ian
        166 months ago

        Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds

        -16 months ago

        If I’m to assume you are a grown adult, the way you argue with someone you label as a “genocide lover” is to wish death upon them?

        See folks, this is the problem with cultists. They have no sense of reality. They live solely in their bubbles.

        I’ll have you know that I am not a one-issue voter. While I’ve always had concerns over Israel’s treatment of Palestine and viewed Netanyahu as a hateful warmonger, I understand there are complex issues on the other side of the world which I have limited knowledge of based on reporting I seek out and trust. Which is to say, very few realities are black and white. You can be opposed to genocide and be in favor of retrieving hostages and be opposed to zionism while also supporting a government and military that stands in the way of total disaster and even greater loss of life in the region.

        The world is complex. I’m sure your family or your job or your neighborhood is complex. I’m sure people have made assumptions about you and your life without proper context. Maybe someone hates you for a thing you did (granted, not genocide) but they don’t know all the good things you’ve done or how much love is in your heart.

        I can choose to re-elect a not-perfect US President that isn’t someone who’s running on a campaign to do all he can to dismantle the foundation of the country I’m a citizen of. I’m not the biggest fan of this country but we do at least have a president who’s open to listening to the people. Do you think DT would listen and change his mind on anything that doesn’t empower him?

          • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
            146 months ago

            Nailed it! Every ill in the world for libs is always pinned on the one bad actor. The US or Isreal stay innocent in their minds, even though both are founded on settler colonialism and genocide

            • CyborgMarx [any, any]
              176 months ago

              You’re disgusting you know that, let me say this more simply for you son, any vote for Biden is explicit support for genocide, end of story

              There’s no set of tortured apologetics that will wash off the blood, you better straighten yourself out motherfucker, cause you’re a fascist and you don’t even know it

            • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
              186 months ago

              I’m interested in saving as many innocent live as possible, which doesn’t include those of genocide supporting libs like you

              This isn’t a game for us, this isn’t just politics for us, we fucking hate you because you’re acting like an inhuman monster devoid of any empathy as you support the ongoing mass starvation of children

                06 months ago

                You are absolutely seeing this as a game and not seeing the whole picture. If you weren’t you’d see that you can work to compel Biden to stop supporting this war while also acknowledging that Trump is an even greater supporter of Israel and threat to Palestine.

                • panopticon [comrade/them]
                  16 months ago

                  You’re the one treating it like a game because you think you can trade off on the lives of Palestinian children while simultaneously washing your hands of them.

                • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                  106 months ago

                  you can work to compel Biden to stop supporting this war

                  That’s why groups are saying they won’t vote for Biden dumbass - to compel him to stop supporting this genocide

        • Amerikan Pharaoh
          6 months ago

          I am a one-issue voter, is the thing: I will not vote for a genocidal CRACKER. If the other genocidal CRACKERS that comprise this nation continue failing to find whatever morals they claimed to espouse all those years they were teaching me about the Holocaust, then they deserve whatever happens to them afterwards. These are not my peers, my countrymen, nor anyone I consider worth saving. You deserve to watch the erosion of all your ancestors’ ill-gotten gains.

    • radiofreeval [she/her]
      236 months ago

      I’m the dumbest person on this website so I’ll bite. The only way to gain votes from a group is to align with their ideology. I know you are aware of this and you want him to be more right wing, but that’s the issue. Biden shifting right would eliminate any chance whatsoever of the policies you claim to want. It would mean more support to Israel and more support of genocide. It would mean more deportations and stronger anti-immigration stances. It would mean less support of women’s rights. It would mean being more hostile to queer people. It would be difficult to distinguish from a Republican presidency, but at least his rhetoric is nicer. Also, if a genocide supporting, union busting president that oversaw the banning of abortion, increased persecution of queer people, devasting proxy wars, a series of infrastructure disasters, a trillion dollar military budget and literal genocide is the best president of your lifetime, perhaps your American “democracy” isn’t as noble as you think.

        -16 months ago

        Yes. That’s literally the point I’ve made. These are all better options than Trump. I don’t know why this is so difficult for people to grasp.

        And come on, “genocide” is a strong specific word and not what’s happening in Gaza. There are mass casualties in an unjust attack on civilians. Just because something is indefensible and heinous does not at all mean it’s literal genocide. There’s an attack on locations where terrorists are presumed to be hiding. I’m not going to defend it but I’m not an Israeli who just suffered the worse attack on my country ever with my family held hostage underneath schools and hospitals.

        I’m not supporting genocide nor am I supporting this war. I am suggesting that a slightly more right leaning democratic president is preferable over Donald fucking Trump.

        This should not by any means be a controversial opinion outside the most braindead of cultists. How anyone could possibly suggest that Donald Trump is better than literally anyone else is absolutely not within my ability to comprehend. I would prefer someone like Warren or AOC but I would sooner vote for Desantis over Trump.

        • radiofreeval [she/her]
          216 months ago

          It’s literal genocide. Israel is openly trying to rid Gaza of Palestinians by bombs and starvation. Calling it anything other than genocide is implicit support for the the apartheid state of Israel. October 7th was nothing compared to the suffering of Palestinians. Also why is Trump better than Desantis? Desantis has had some of the most violent policies and actions against trans people in the nation. To me it sounds like your allegiance is based not on ideology but on rhetoric.

          Also, from the river to the sea, may Palestine be free.

            06 months ago

            Israel is currently bombing Gaza to get hostages back.
            You’re right and I’m thankful that people are finally seeing how horribly the Palestinians have been treated for generations. The Palestinians and the US should be helping Israel oust Hamas.
            I said Destantis was better than Trump. He’s the second worst possible candidate I can imagine.

            • radiofreeval [she/her]
              196 months ago

              The hostages are dead and Israel killed (many of) them. Even if they weren’t, 35,000 and 2 million displaced in exchange for around a few hundred is absurdly disproportionate. Hamas has offered to return the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire but Israel has refused. It’s not about the hostages, it’s about driving the Palestinians out. The hostages are a cheap propaganda trick for people like you. Secondly, if Israel really wanted to get the hostages back, they wouldn’t treat their hostages as casualties, they wouldn’t carpet bomb Gaza and they wouldn’t kill hostages after they wave white flags. Israel knows the route to get their hostages back, they just don’t care. Even if Israel was truly doing this for the hostages, that would not make anything they are doing any better. All Palestinian violence against aggressors is self defense.

                06 months ago


                Still, I’m voting for Biden over the guy who’s explicitly intent on overthrowing the US government. It’s not a choice I like but it’s the only logical one we have. I will stand beside you in opposition to this war but that does not mean I’m going to vote to obliterate democracy.

                    06 months ago

                    LOL. That’s by far the stupidest thing I’ve read in this thread; and possibly this whole year.

                • radiofreeval [she/her]
                  336 months ago

                  You’re not opposing the war lmao, you’re standing by it’s biggest proponent and buying Israeli propaganda like it’s half off. You’re a clown.

                    -16 months ago

                    I just… it’s hard to wrap my head around the gymnastics you all are doing here.

                    War is always bad. I don’t support any war at all, even if it’s declared by someone I support.

                    Because I have some knowledge of what has happened in the region over the past fifty years and more, I would sooner vote for Biden than Trump. Trump is also a zionist and many times more supportive of Netanyahu’s hateful warmongering than Biden or any other US president has ever been. We can be opposed to some of a person’s actions while also celebrating all the good things they’ve done. I have always been opposed to Biden as president because of the things he did as a senator in the 90s. And don’t get me started on his age and the threat of Harris being president. Still, he’s what we’ve got now.

                    Regardless, I don’t know why people keep changing the subject to this war. This war or the other war have nothing to do with our courts or our freedoms or our education system or our healthcare or our polluted environment. Our own country is literally falling apart, not due to war but because people keep voting on one issue they currently feel strongly about. This is why our congress is so polarized and failing to get anything done. Voting Trump into office is going to be the end of democracy. His own former cabinet members are urging people not to vote for him. Hard core conservative judges are afraid of what he’ going to do. people not to vote for him. The adults in the room are looking at The United States of America and begging its citizens to save the country.

                    You all need to get your heads out of your asses and take a look at your own front yard. This is an extremely dire election year.

                    I guess Americans just don’t give a shit about America anymore. And it’s really fucking sad and frustrating.

                • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                  186 months ago

                  lmao if you can excuse genocide you definitely don’t give a shit about “democracy”…which this country doesn’t even have in the first place

    • ALQ
      286 months ago

      I would also not be opposed to Biden testing his own Presidential Immunity™ on Trump and his cronies, and I hate that I feel that way.