Former president Donald Trump disseminated on social media on Friday an image of President Biden with his hands and feet tied and his mouth gagged, the latest example of the Republican candidate’s use of increasingly violent rhetoric and imagery this campaign season.

The image can be seen about halfway through a 20-second video that Trump posted on his Truth Social site. The post says it was recorded Thursday on Long Island, where Trump traveled this week to attend a wake for a recently killed police officer.

In the video, two trucks decorated with giant Trump flags and altered American flags are driving on a highway. On the tailgate door of one of the trucks is the image of Biden lying horizontally, bound and gagged.

Trump has a history of sharing and promoting violent images featuring his perceived enemies.

    37 months ago

    lol anyone who doesn’t think a tailgate piece that makes it look like you got the president tied up in the bed of your truck is funny sucks.

    -127 months ago

    Do you guys honestly care about this more than all of the other things that are happening like the immigration issues?

      147 months ago

      This specific thing is the equivalent of throwing a pebble into a lake. The one thing that’s actually dangerous about a Trump presidency is the policies that may destroy the lives of whatever minorities the Republicans decide to target. However, brewing an imaginary of committing violence against your political enemies is one stepping stone towards legitimizing it. The same way that fascist fucks joking on Twitter about shooting a gay bar paves the way for one of them to actually go and do it, this paves the way for Trump to have his own Brownshirts.

        17 months ago

        Yeah it’s a ratchet effect. One click on a ratchet may not be significant, but you keep on ratcheting eventually a nut comes loose and things fall apart.

        -87 months ago

        is the policies that may destroy the lives of whatever minorities the Republicans decide to target

        What paticular policies could do this?

        But do you not understand my point, I feel like this whole post is the meme where you have the dog in hell saying “At least we dont have mean tweets!” I look and see multiple things about how trump is mean and then there is not a single notice how things are falling apart (other than gaza).

        • Not sure how that’s relevant, but no, neither candidate has a good solution here.

          I have my own opinions here, but I’m obviously not running for president.

            • I don’t believe Trump will actually follow through on most of what he says, because that’s what happened last time he was in office. And honestly, if he does win, I hope he doesn’t follow through because his immigration policies suck.

              That said, Biden’s immigration policies suck too. I don’t like the “diversity lottery” or the weird 8-year plan he proposes.

                -37 months ago

                I dont think any politician tends to do what they say, and trump is more braggadocios than most and will claim he will do more than he will by a long shot. But I can look at what he wanted to do, what he was stopped from doing, and what Biden is doing and see that I dont care about Trumps rude words when Biden is just so so shitty.

                • They both suck, just in opposite ways. Trump seems to forget that our country was and is built by immigrants, and Biden seems to forget that following the law should be rewarded, not breaking the law.

                  If I could vote for “empty seat,” I might just do it.

          7 months ago

          Fascist threatens liberal president, liberals in power scream “someone has to do something about this!” And then do nothing

          Trump could be shot for treason, in an open and shut way(stealing nuclear secrets) but liberals aren’t going to do it, because for structural reasons liberals are incapable of opposing fascism.

          (Liberal in this case is used the normal way, and not the “liberal= left wing” way)

              7 months ago

              Oh wow, transphobia and a suicide joke from someone who hates hexbear, how surprising.

              Also it isnt a superiority complex to have a basic understanding of history.

              I would love to be proven wrong, it would be interesting from a historical perspective due to liberals previous inability to fight fascism, and also I wouldn’t end up in a concentration camp for being trans, and communist, and Jewish. But until I’m proven wrong I’ll keep being a communist, because communism has the best antifascist record and I dont want to get gassed.

              • marcie (she/her)
                7 months ago

                so far this site seems like an absolute shithole, mostly because the admins and mods seem to be completely disinterested in permanently banning bigoted users. instead they seem to enjoy wasting their time removing comments that are uncivil to these repeatedly bigoted people.

      • chingadera
        107 months ago

        I like how even in this, they’re shitty at binding someone. They can’t even pretend to do things correctly.

          47 months ago

          Haha, that’s a good point. This is the January 6th gallows all over again… These people are the edgy punisher logo manifest.

          All those stupid thin blue line flags, too… Who the fuck believes that lie after Uvalde?

        67 months ago

        Is that actually painted on someone’s truck? I kinda hope so because it’s so shoddy. The perspective doesn’t even line up for the truck bed.

          97 months ago

          Its a wrap. And they’re real. Shouldnt be allowed but here we are. Had anyone had something like this with bush bound and gagged after 2001 they wouldve been arrested and tried in a heartbeat.

          -77 months ago

          It’s a decal that can be bought for like $50. There are a bunch of different kinds of them, some with women tied up, deer, various politicians, Sasquatch, Lion’s etc. It’s the most mundane shit which is why liberals are clutching their pearls over it.

            47 months ago

            I never thought I’d see the claim that pretending to have a woman tied up in the back of your truck is some “mundane shit”.

            Same energy as standing at airport security yelling “I have a gun” and pulling out a replica.

            97 months ago

            I’ve seen people get pulled over for a fake hand holding the tailgate edge around Halloween. Tied up people should absolutely get you pulled over and checked on a regular basis just because you don’t want to be the guy that missed a potential kidnapping.

              47 months ago

              Guess which side the fascist cops are on? The truck owner’s likely a family member of the cop

                17 months ago

                If they recognize who’s in the picture. My point isn’t that they’ll get in trouble. My point is that you’re going to get pulled over a lot because cops won’t want to miss a potential kidnapping.

      157 months ago

      All you have to do is Google “Biden Tailgate Wrap”. There are many variations for sale all over the internet. $50 to $70.

      Trump deserves some blame for sharing it, but the real blame needs to be on the people producing and using it.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        237 months ago

        Hmmm, people producing it deserve blame, but it’s not like you or me sharing a pic, this is a candidate for president of the United States posting it about his political rival. I think that’s a worse offense, no matter how common they might be.

        -37 months ago

        Fortunately in America such images are protected speech even if liberals and fascists, but I repeat myself get upset about them. So any “blame” is literally just the speaker virtue signaling and isn’t something that needs to be considered beyond a simple throw away comment plus a “lol.”

  • ian
    197 months ago

    Biden has funded a genocide and oversees an government which completely sold out to corporate interests, the military industrial complex, and the prison industrial complex. They watched big pharma kill thousands in the opioid epidemic. They bailed out the banks after the great financial crisis, while the middle class was left to die.

    Every congress member relies on corporate funding for campaigns. They can literally hold stock in the companies they regulate. Those corporations’ interests are completely opposite of the interests of the working class.

    I couldn’t care less if some feckless oaf posts a picture of a US figurehead in such a position.

        7 months ago

        things will go from ACCEPTABLE

        Most people aren’t (social?) fascists like you though and don’t find genocide “ACCEPTABLE”

        -87 months ago

        Unfortunately, facts don’t matter to most people. Humans are emotional first. You say a bunch of stuff that clashes with their beliefs and group membership, and you hit a fight or flight response. They’re not going to listen because losing group cohesion tells the brain you’re going to die alone in the desert.

        Think about how you feel when someone contradicts something you’re emotionally invested in. Your favorite band sucks. Most people aren’t going to calmly evaluate the situation.

          -17 months ago

          By… Religious facists?

          I agree in the most basic way: get wall st power out of government. Buuuut the Republicans are not the way.

            87 months ago

            I do at least the bare minimum, and that is not voting for the parties of capital. That is a bar even liberals, the lowest of the low, can’t clear.

      • ian
        7 months ago

        There’s a lot to respond to here. I’ll go point by point.

        You really don’t care that the guy who has empowered racists and bigots again, idealises Putin and is clearly going to try to overthrow the government a second time is now VERY clearly setting things up for the next coup?

        You don’t care that this is clearly a COMPONENT of overthrowing the election

        There are so many issues to unpack here. Trump’s base is a reactionary, anti-establishment movement, clearly. This should be expected in a society that is ran by and for an elite class.

        I’m online quite a bit and I haven’t noticed many Trumpers idolizing Putin, but I wouldn’t care if they did. It’s within their rights. The notion that Putin is trying to overthrow our government is unfounded at best. I have yet to see any credible evidence of Russian interference. This strikes me as a McCarthyism Revival that only seems to work on liberals.

        As for the claim of not only a coup, but a second coup: I don’t think that a reasonable person believes that an angry mob storming a government building would have a snowballs chance in hell at actually carrying out a coup. This isn’t the 17th century. You don’t just take over a building today and expect to be able to control the country.

        Trump hasn’t only made things bad in the US, he’s made thing bad INTERNATIONALLY

        Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of what little foreign policy decisions he made. I did like that he pulled out of Syria, however.

        Trump also is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the US due to COVID

        Okay? Biden is too. It feels like you’re under the impression that I support Trump, which I never claimed to.

        Remember when he used to call it “China flu”, explicitly as a shoutout to racists? Every time he even says the word “China”, he says it in some weird way. His own staff has also been fairly open that he was making up stuff during covid on the spot (and it was obvious)

        Oh, and he is a fan of China permanently electing someone though (ie, dictatorship).

        Yeah, I agree that Trump is racist and a generic fascist strongman. This isn’t a revelation. I assume that the subtext is that Biden isn’t a fascist? We’d disagree on that. Biden and Trump certainly have different styles, but they both seem to embrace the deep state and the dictatorship of capital.

        The bank crisis was a problem, and internationally, they were all seemingly bailed out. It’s a whataboutism, but you know what helps the economy and workers? Yes, the rich paying taxes, and not lying to banks when getting a loan.

        I’m not even sure how you got to this thought process. “Whataboutism” has completely lost its meaning at this point. I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of our political situation. Politicians work for the ultra wealthy. We don’t live in a democracy. They aren’t going to do anything that would jeopardize the elites’ position in society.

        They’ve also created a war against Trans people. And it is starting to spread to other countries. I have plenty of Gay, “Woke” and Trans people in my meetup groups. And lots of foreigners. And I honestly have a higher level of respect for them than other people. They’re really good people

        I agree. I like the LGBT community as well.

        People like Tate have gained power by Trump’s actions.

        I it’s difficult to draw a line between Trump and Tate directly. I personally think it’s a larger reactionary movement in society, and Trump and Tate are symptoms of a larger societal sickness.

        He’s already attacking our international relations expert / Ex PM (Kevin Rudd) here in Australia in advance. And Kevin Rudd was basically the guy who saved us during Covid because of his negotiating skills and set up AUKUS. Rudd is more qualified than Trump (and, was actually fairly well-liked when he was Prime Minister)

        No comment here, I’m not familiar with this topic.

        Speaking of big pharma, sure, what about the guy who is negotiating the price of drug costs to lower them?

        Reducing drug prices, especially at the paltry scale Biden negotiated for, is a measly concession that doesn’t challenge the underlying power structure of Big Pharma’s racketeering. Drug production should be nationalized.

        What about the guys who pushed medical coverage for all (same as we have here in Australia).

        Ah, you’re Australian. I was thinking “this person must have been born yesterday” for many of my responses lol. I mean no offense. I can’t say that I know another country as well as you the US, even with the corrections I’ve offered.

        Yeah, medical coverage for all should be table-stakes.

        What about the guy whose own son was ALLOWED by the president to get prosecuted. If you need to see honor, there is likely no harder thing to watch as a parent. In contrast, Trump gave his family members positions of power.

        I think this was about Hunter Biden? I honestly didn’t follow that story too closely. I recall it dealt with the Biden family’s racketeering, selling political favors, etc. The court system is highly politicized in this country.

        Nepotism is everywhere in our society. We are a far cry from a meritocracy.

        Also, if you’re referring to fentanyl, they are targeting now fentanyl now to try to attack it. they’re not “watching”. Fentanyl is a serious problem worldwide.

        The opioid epidemic in the US predated the Fentanyl crisis. The opioid epidemic came from the systemic over-prescription of opioids to treat pain. The industry was aware of the dangers, but ignored them and profited as 500,000 Americans died of overdoses over a couple of decades. Doctors eventually stopped prescribing opioid which caused people to seek opioids off the street, which was far more dangerous, even before fentanyl made its way into the streets.

        The great financial crisis can also be attributed to the rise in opioid use as many Americans lost their houses and livelihoods. It was an incredibly dark time for the working class.

        The government didn’t do anything to help citizens and families who were suffering. The Sackler family owned the main drug company responsible for producing the prescription opioids that killed so many people. They also bribed doctors to prescribe the opioids at a massive scale.

        The Sacklers got a slap on the wrist and that was it.

        What about the guy who vetoed legislation which would remove protections for some endangered species

        I don’t know about this, but it doesn’t sound significant, especially considering the amount of oil he allowed to be drilled in Alaska.

        What about the guy who is actively saving people’s health (and generating jobs), by pushing EV’s.

        EVs make sense in some climates, but they come with their own environmental and socioeconomic problems. The minerals used for batteries are extracted by slaves in Africa and the mining process isn’t good for the local ecosystem. I need to read more into this.

        And he’s trying to make US safer by more Gun controls, which he is having trouble getting through.

        IMO this is a case of treating a symptom instead of a root cause. Mass shootings are happening because our society is fragmenting. People are overworked, precarious, and have no access to healthcare or mental healthcare. Fixing healthcare and worker’s rights would alleviate the crisis. I’m not even a gun-owner, but I never want to be in a situation where our fascist government has guns and citizens can’t own guns.

        He’s trying to eliminate tax subsidies for Gas and Oil companies, and instead spending that money on renewables

        Allowing for substantial oil-drilling is a funny way of going about this.

        He’s reduced inflation…

        He reduced the rate of inflation. He still printed 30% of the US’ money supply, which has predictably led to significant inflation.

        The fact is, is Trump wins, things will go from ACCEPTABLE to REALLY BAD internationally. From where I’m watching here in Australia, Biden is doing plenty.

        “Acceptable” is subjective, I suppose. I don’t find our government acceptable in the slightest. Anything short of democracy is tyranny.

        Please understand that our media companies (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.) are state propaganda. Our elites fall into factions that struggle for political power, which is evident in the ostensible differences between, say, Fox and MSNBC, but both companies are merely propaganda mouthpieces for the ultra-wealthy.



        Do not listen to these Right-Wing nutjobs who are relying on discouraging people from voting next election.

        I hope you don’t think I’m right-wing at this point. Notice my username.

      07 months ago

      Even given your exaggerations and lies, I’d ecstatically take four more years of this over four more hours of Trump.

      7 months ago

      Im convinced that all the “biden genocide” folks are the same russian troll farm folks hired to elect trump last time. Im also convinced this very post originated in st. petersburg. Prove me wrong.

      -47 months ago

      If you aren’t voting then you’re complicit in letting all the things you listed happening too.

      Joe Biden has done more about these problems than you have. You don’t really care about any of these issues if you’re too lazy to vote.

      • ian
        7 months ago

        See my second paragraph. The same applies for the executive branch elections. We can’t reform this. Direct action is the only solution.

          -67 months ago

          Protests are only effective if the people in power are at least sympathetic to what you want.

          You can vote and protest you know. Think of having Democrats in power as a buff in favor of whatever you’re protesting.

          If you’re protesting and not voting, it’s probably a movement that’s represented best by that Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial. Just a fun get-together with your friends where you pretend to be angry about something. All performative bullshit. So just have a Pepsi and stop pretending you care about anything LOL.

    07 months ago

    Lol, my comment commenting about Hexbear users got remove by mod. What’s up mod? They get to be removed about everyone they disagree with, but we can’t criticize them?

      37 months ago

      the comment that got removed was

      Hexbear users are always willing to defend far-right activists in some twisted logic. You people should merge with the proud boys, they hate libs too.

      for the reason “trolling”.

      your comment was directly in response to the OP, so there’s no context to consider.

      sounds like another common .ml moderator W to me.

      • Schadrach
        -37 months ago

        I didn’t know Kathy Griffin was a man. Or did it not count when Trump?

          17 months ago

          We’re trying to be outraged here and fit this into the narrative. You shall be down voted for any facts that force us to face the fact that the reason for our outrage is not rooted in reality.

  • frogbellyratbone_ [e/em/eir, any]
    7 months ago

    i went and looked for the image … to uh… confirm if true or not

    it’s “just” trump showing a truck parade and one of the trucks has it as a large sticker/decal

      117 months ago

      That man has the attention span of a goldfish, probably didn’t even watch it to that point, just saw the Trump flags and then the ego forced a repost

      377 months ago


      normalising this is part of the problem. It isn’t ‘just’ a video of two trucks.

    • NewLeaf [he/him]
      147 months ago

      I saw one in my hometown last summer. It’s not new or exciting. Some people got together and decided Truck nuts weren’t trashy enough

  • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
    17 months ago

    What liberals fundamentally fail to grasp is that no amount of appeasement of the “center right” will be enough. No amount of Joe Biden murderous reactionary border enforcement or unabashed collaboration in the zionist genocide will be enough for the reactionary forces. The liberals cede ground for nothing, throwing away the lives of those they see as subhuman anyway, and the reactionaries just adjust their positions to be even worse and continue braying for blood as if nothing happened.