I can’t understand someone that want to attack another country, go to war, just to take some piece of land. And then want to die for this reason.
People should just learn that you can’t get everything they want in life and deal with it in a good way.
just to take some piece of land
That’s not really what wars are about though. It’s usually some internal power struggle.
It used to be about that.
Tell that to the capitalists running the world
To add to this, I can’t understand how a bunch of people can so-easily be whipped up into a frenzy to “go kill those people because glory or something” and don’t feel how they’re being manipulated.
Like when some autocrat wants to play chess with peoples’ lives, it’s really surprising how there’s not really many (if any?) documented cases of people just being like “Huh, sounds like a problem for Lil’ Bitchard the Twelth to solve like a big boy doesn’t it? I’m not dying over your silly disputes.”
I guess that’s why it’s usually a first step to reinforce oath-taking and thoughtless nationalism into culture as quickly as they can…
The people declaring the war are not the same people fighting the war.