Demon Days by Gorillaz
Silent Alarm by Bloc Party
Metallica (Black Album)
Wait a second, no way you’re slandering Plastic Beach like that. PB is equal to DD, some days it hits better even.
DD = 🐐
Plastic Beach is better for the simple fact that it contains Sweepstakes. I’ve come to learn that a lot of people dislike that song a great deal, which blows my mind. Mos Def is aces and the production on that track is brilliant.
I’m more of an Empire Ants man myself, but I get what you’re saying. It’s such a fun album.
Plastic Beach is good, but I like Demon Days more. Gorillaz fallen since PB.
Demon days > anything else gorillaZ
Sure, but I wouldn’t call PB “falling off.” Still, Gorillaz still makes bangers these days, even if the albums themselves aren’t as good. Desolé slaps.
Wolfmother by… Wolfmother
I can name every song and lyric from that album but don’t ask me about anything else by them. Iirc the band basically split post album
When I discover that album I knew it was something magical and never again to be achieved.
Green Day - American Idiot. It’s not that I dislike what came after, but 21st Century Breakdown feels disjointed, the Trilogy has really low lows, and they stopped being ambitious after that and just put out two “pretty good” albums and one awful one.
Also even if you don’t like their '00s sound, I seriously don’t get why Dookie is more well-liked than Nimrod beyond “it had more hits and I heard it first.”
21st is a mix of B-Sides from American Idiot and Cigarettes and Valentine’s, put together to make it’s own album, I don’t see it as disjointed but I can understand why. For me it comes across as an aged Warning.
Uno-Tre was their way of screwing over their record label because they were contracted to do 3 more albums. So considering they pulled out 38 songs in that timeline. I’d say listening through 21st and the songs through Uno-Tre, it’s pretty clear to hear the difference in production of the songs complexity. 21st has tons of diverse, almost orchestral elements supporting the background of the songs. Uno-Tre are generally a bit more simple in their compositions (as are Rev Radio and FOAMF)
I think Kerplunk is better than all 3 of those…
Honestly I like Kerplunk and 39/Smooth better than Dookie, but I get why a lot of people don’t. Nimrod, I have no clue.
Nimrod is for older folks who grew up on British punk imho.
I like Nimrod, I think everything after that has been bullshit.
And because nobody has said it, I think Insomniac is their best album
Long Live by Atreyu, though it feels kind of like cheating. They went on hiatus after leaning toward more casual songs with the two albums before, and came back five years later with an excellent album that made people think they were back to their roots. And then they started trending towards the more popular stuff again.
This seems to happen with progressive rock at alarming levels. They just reach a point where they take their pretentious bullshit a little too far, and the fans grow weary of it. You saw that with Jethro Tull, which pushed its luck with A Passion Play after scoring a critical success with Thick as a Brick. Yes took it too far with Topographic Oceans. I’m sure ELP has an album where they pushed the envelope a little too far and pushed away the audience in the process. Unfortunately, that had a pendulum effect, with ELP releasing the wimpy Love Beach in an attempt to reel back in those lapsed fans.
I think A Passion Play being my favorite album in that whole genre might be my least popular opinion in all of music, I really don’t get the hate. And I’m not really a Tull fan even.
I feel like Topographic Oceans could’ve been way better if it was condensed by almost half its runtime. The songs have cool ideas, but no focus and they all blend together.
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
They still had a few good tracks afterwards but that album really was a masterpiece.
- Last Splash by the Breeders
- White Album - The Beatles
- The Wall - Pink Floyd
Abbey Road was their final album and it was arguably their best. They definitely did not fall off after White Album.
Avenged Sevenfold - White Album
Marilyn Manson - Holywood
I’d put ACS as peak, MA and Holywood were both great, then a very long lull. Pale Emperor was the last one that caught my ear like the older ones did.
Yeah, I really liked ACS, but it didn’t feel right leaving the next 2 out. Pale Emperor was the last half decent one for sure.
A Rush of Blood to the Head by Cold Play…
Of what came after I like X&Y and Mylo Xyloto too, but this one was their best.
I know bands can change their style over 20 years, and I’m glad the band can be happy touring and making music they like and I don’t hate people that like their new stuff, but something about the brilliant, raw feeling their music had (imo anyway) gave way for generic electronic music trend-chasing. When I heard “Higher Power” I was like “wow it’s The Weekend just with Chris Martin singing.”
Gorillaz fell off? Since when?
Yeah wtf is OP smoking their last album was one of my favs of the year
Idk if I would say they “fell off” but Demon Days was fucking AMAZING and Plastic Beach was really good. Plus all their stuff from before that ranged from good to great too. Everything that came after Plastic Beach was…. Mediocre at best and this is just my own subjective opinion obviously as is anyone’s opinion on music but like I grew up listening to all sorts of electronic music and I just don’t like any of their newer stuff it’s experimental though which aligns with their style I’ll give them that
Side note: as a fan of electronica/electronic music I HATE how “EDM” is now the blanket term used. Not all songs by Gorillaz are EDM.
You’re right and I corrected myself
NIN - The Fragile
This is exactly what I was coming here to comment. This album was fucking astounding, complex, beautiful, intense, musical, destructive… Every single noise in that album was intentional and meant something. Trent was making music at the time that was so far above and beyond what anybody else was doing or has done since.
Then Atticus Ross joined. Now they make background music for movies. It is fucking heartbreaking.
Magnus Opus yes. With Teeth is still an amazing album.
I liked With Teeth, but it’s a pretty far cry from The Fragile (or even TDS).
Death Magnetic is better than Metallica’s Metallica. That coming from a person who has been a fan since the 80s.