Even from people that never lived in a communist state

edit: im 17 and i hate communism

  • @merthyr1831@lemmy.world
    202 months ago

    When you leave reddit, a corporatised and astroturfed bot farm you’re gonna get less liberal and right wing stuff that only existed to make money or exert political influence.

    If you’re really upset by it you can filter lemmy.ml which is gonna be the main source of left wing posting.

    • @jeremyparker@programming.dev
      122 months ago

      Tbf reddit used to be a lot more lefty. Back when Shit Reddit Says was the dominant subculture it was a lot of fun… But then Steve Bannon wanted Trump to be president and SRS lost the war against red hats and bots.

      • xor
        12 months ago

        It’s okay for people with bad takes to be here too - that’s why the fediverse is special

    • @diplodocus@lemmy.sdf.org
      22 months ago

      If you’re really upset by it you can filter lemmy.ml which is gonna be the main source of left wing posting.

      That’s true for you, anyway, because your instance is defederated from lemmygrad and hexbear.

  • @riodoro1@lemmy.world
    642 months ago

    I think it’s because my rent is a third of my income and im not allowed to function without not only feeding the parasites but making them morbidly obese.

  • @Alsjemenou@lemy.nl
    72 months ago

    Do you even know what communism actually is? I mean do you know where it came from, and why?

    If you’re 17 and in America, there isn’t a lot of hope that you have been told about this in a non-biased manner. Young people especially are susceptible to the ideology that they can make it in life through hard work and equal opportunities. You might even already have felt some success in this regard, was able to achieve a goal because you worked for it. And it all makes sense to you.

    And you think, In some way or another, that communist are perverting this, maybe by giving away shit for nothing or worse want to take shit from you.

    But that’s not true.

    Socialism wants you to fully get your complete value of your labour for you, instead of most of it going to a boss who didn’t work. And communist want to make sure that the system doesn’t allow for bosses to make decisions about the conditions workers live in.

  • @Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    If under communism everything is shared, that would have to include political power.

    So that would make communism a direct democracy. Which communist country was a direct democracy?

  • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    Because there are a lot of communists on lemmy?

    Some can be very annoying. If you haven’t blocked hexbear, I highly recommend it. They got exiled from reddit years ago and have been stewing in a tankie echo chamber ever since.

    • @Sootius@lemmy.world
      32 months ago

      90% of the shit spouted about Hexbear is just baseless nonsense. Soon as you actually try to have a good faith discussion, they’re hecka cool.

      • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
        2 months ago

        Not when I tried it. When shw federated, I tried for about 2 days to talk about stuff. But they kept defending Russia in it’s invasion of Ukraine with super brain dead arguments and holding up North Korea as a shinning example of communism. Plus at the ends of threads, they often just respond with poop emojis. Or even at the beginning of threads. That’s just annoying.

        Edit: oh and defending or denying China’s treatment of the Uyghur was also common.

    • @Pascal@lemdro.id
      52 months ago

      They got exiled from reddit years ago

      Huh, just like everyone else here

      It’s weird rather that some people are such bootlickers that they complain about people being socialists/communists after leaving a platform because of capitalism

  • @m13@lemmy.world
    242 months ago

    “I’m 17 and I hate communism”

    😂 enough said. Come back when you’re a bit older and a bit wiser.

  • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
    -132 months ago

    My guess is that it’s because the average age of lemmy is somewhere around 15-17. It’s the only thing that makes sense. People are into that shit in their mid-late teens. Then they grow out of it.

    It happens in every generation.

      • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        I hope you replied this same thing to every comment posted answering OP’s question. Because that’s all anyone has to offer.

        • @Sootius@lemmy.world
          12 months ago

          Sorry, I should’ve been clearer, the myth you spouted isn’t just baseless, it’s actually been disproved. Different generations change their political leaning in different ways as they age.

    • Rayston
      132 months ago

      I didnt even know the actual definition of communism till my mid-30s in 2008.

    • @Malfeasant@lemmy.world
      92 months ago

      Almost 50 here, and I’m pretty thoroughly socialist… and my dad is leaning farther left the older he gets too.

    • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
      132 months ago

      When I was 15 me and my friends made fun of communists and joked they were probably posting from their parent’s computers. Now that I’m middle aged I’m a socialist, although wouldn’t quite say communist. I haven’t read Marx, but I do believe the point of a government is to help people, and our governments aren’t doing enough in that regard. I believe privately held corporations are designed to make their owners money, and if that interferes with the common good then they should be stopped.

      • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        -72 months ago

        The problem is that people think that shit would work here. It won’t. It’s barely worked elsewhere. And if you don’t believe this, look up how happy the people of Bulgaria are.

        Capitalism sucks. But it’s at least predictable and somewhat malleable. Socialism/communism is at best a unproven theoretical ideology.

        • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          There are definitely failed communist states. Everyone always talks about bad examples and not successes like say, Nordic countries. And I realize I’m not saying something new here, but if we can agree those countries are doing well, but argue they’re not socialist, then why don’t we go ahead and implement the programs they have?

          I don’t particularly care what the label is, I care about the outcome. I want people to get treated for illness without going bankrupt. I want everyone to have access to education. Every person should have somewhere to sleep. Every person should have enough to eat.

          If this was the middle ages we could argue that it’s the law of the jungle, and the strong survive while the weak fall to the side. Today we have abundance to the point that we absolutely have enough for everyone. It’s the system that distributes goods and assigns tasks which isn’t up to the job.

          Call it what you want, but I believe we should improve our system to address those problems, and I believe it’s possible to address them.

          • xigoi
            62 months ago

            Since when are the Nordic countries communist?

            • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              Well as I said I’d call myself a socialist more than communist, and for many that’s splitting hairs, but I think it’s reasonable to call them socialist. But my whole point was if we skip the labeling, they have elements in their governments that I’d like to see emulated. It’s possible to have a democratically controlled nation that works more for the benefit of its people.

          • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
            32 months ago

            Right, but Nordic countries aren’t exactly communist or socialist. There’s this if you’d like to understand it better.

            • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              I’m fairly familiar with the Nordic countries and I think it’s important to have a market. Still, they’re known for “socialist” policies like universal healthcare, strong welfare benefits and Norway’s sovereign wealth fund. They also manage to have strong democracies (including proportional representation) without turning into dictatorships like people accuse communist/socialist countries of doing.

              What I was getting at is would you agree the countries are doing well? If so, who cares about the label, why don’t we do some of that stuff?

                • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
                  12 months ago

                  You don’t think universal healthcare is socialist? Free higher education?

                  Again, I don’t care as much about the label, but when these things are suggested in America it’s socialist. When you point out anything good about the Nordics or just Europe generally the answer is they’re not socialist, and it’s not because of socialism. But we can’t do those things in America because it’s socialist.

  • Nomecks
    32 months ago

    You apparently don’t like getting up votes either.

  • deadcatbounce
    -22 months ago

    If you’ve never lived in a communist state you’re much more likely to favour communism. People who have (lived in communism) don’t.

    'Mercans believe that social healthcare is communism - until they get seriously ill whereupon they opt for moving to a ‘communist’ country: UK or Canada or go for the US healthcare provider called gofundme.

  • @SPRUNT@lemmy.world
    92 months ago

    You’re blaming communism for what is, like everything else, a people problem. It doesn’t matter what system you’re talking about, there’s always bad actors and horrible people that you can point to and say “see? That’s why it’s bad!”

    Also, you are 17 and only really have the knowledge that you have been taught, and minimal experience living in the larger world. Most everything far you have learned has been what others have wanted you to learn. Once you get into the real world for a decade or two and start experiencing a full life, your views will change.

    Or you can resign yourself to a life in front of cable news and stay firmly locked into an opinion that others have given you.

  • Chemical Wonka
    172 months ago

    We don’t have democracy either, we live under plutocracy of Capital, a bourgeoise dictatorship.