Type aliasing in java could have saved us from the current pixel shortage, but at least kotlin is giving us a cheaper path forward.
…and that, kids, is why java has this thing called imports
Imports wouldn’t help. It’s setters with a ton of chained getters
Mostly they’re all the same up to the last one or two methods - just set the common part as a variable?
Definitely. I’m pretty sure they modified the code to look as bad as possible just to take the photo though. You can clearly see all the lines are marked as modified in the gutter.
It’s also a good way to potentially multiply your query costs and slow down the function, while introducing possible inconsistencies if the objects are modified between the first and last time they are requested.
This is the best answer… Or the outer classes being delegated access to the inner ones and so on, like an onion.
I wonder if this is one of the situations that Kotlin delegated parameters were designed to handle? (I’m new to Kotlin and still don’t understand that “by” construct there)
Will nobody comment on the level of indentation? It looks like 10 leves deep.
Is this a good thing I’m looking at or a bad thing? I don’t get it but then again, I’m not a programmer.
Java is a programming language that is notorious for being verbose, the joke is that you need a massively wide monitor to view it without the text being cut off
Ah, thanks for the explanation!
I don’t understand why people don’t break stuff like this up with newlines
We would. And we’d tend not to be using such verbose variable names. Avoiding abbreviation in the method and type-names is idiomatic though.
The joke is Java is verbose. It takes many characters to accomplish simple routines. Depending on your view that could either be good or bad for reading the code later.
Got it! Thanks for the explanation!
Sure, but most of the lines in the screenshot break down to:
Aside from creating a method inside the class (which you should probably do here in Java too) how would another language do this in a cleaner way?
You shouldn’t reach through an object to invoke a method. That tightly couples the classes which getJ and getG (for instance) return.
That is an interesting point, but it’s not Java specific, you could do this exact thing in most other languages and it would look pretty much the same.
Considering the fact that in a lot of enterprise projects the data structures are not necessarily open to change, how would you prevent reaching through objects like this?
This is why I wasn’t too critical of Java. Java is verbose by convention and other languages are more terse by convention. You could just as easily write some nasty ‘snake_cased_object_abstract_factory_adapter_facade_broker_manager’ in python or any other language. There are a few things syntax wise working against it but you can still write (overly) terse Java and it’s just as annoying to read as in any other language. IMO it’s convention and style not the language itself. You can also say some mean things about languages with less verbosity but more operators and keywords like C++/rust. It’s a funny meme tho lol anyone who has worked in Java knows there’s at least a bit of truth to it
I’ll shrink your example. Suppose you have an object A which has a B which has a C, which is what you need.
By writing
, you are implicitly coupling A and C together without A noticing. All A knows is that it is coupled to B. Should B ever decide to use a different C’, which would make more sense for B, it may break your code without noticing it.The solution is to make the coupling explicit. A should define a
function that observes the needed contract. For the time being, it may get its C from B (which is fine, because C is under B’s immediate control), but if B changes, and wants to use C’, you know to look into A (which is already explicitly coupled to B) and see if it can still function. You’d notice that it relied on B’s returning C and can find a solution to this.An example with fewer variables: You have a shopping cart, which manages items. Implicit coupling translates to knowing and relying on the fact that the items are stored in an array. Adding an item the bad way would be
shoppingCart.getItems()[shoppingCart.getItems().getLength] = item;
*The proposed solution adds the function
. Should ShoppingCart switch to a linked list, it can change the implementation of addItem accordingly. Instead of reaching through the cart into the items, you make dealing with the items the problem of ShoppingCart.I don’t have copy at hand, so I can’t check. I think this advice stems from “The Pragmatic Programmer” by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt.
* I don’t actually know Java, so please forgive if this example wouldn’t really work.
It’s sad that it took getting so far down the thread before somebody pointed out the obvious program design flaw.
If you’re digging many levels down into your datamodel from high up for lots of datapieces, it’s probably the case that both the data is unnecessarily framented and the code design itself doesn’t have proper OO isolation of responsabilities.
If you’re designing for performance (a well know raeson to screw OO design), then the datamodel itself would be a lot flatter (because you get more performance on the DB by trading it for space), whilst if you’re not then you break the thing into parts as you have functions were you fetch intermediate objects into memory and handle the data in them (a Visitor Pattern would probably make this a lot cleaner).
I bet whomever designed the datamodel isn’t the same as those doing the coding.
To be fair, probably hardly anyone actually looked at the code. And now that I did, I think this is compiled, not source code.
Kotlin would represent the getter/setters as synthetic properties (and do so automatically, since Kotlin interops with Java).
object1.A = object2.X.Y.Z.I.J.K.E.getF(i).G.toString()
Of course it’s still not great (there’s still too much nesting, there’s something fundamentally wrong with how the data is structured) but at least the code is less noisy.
Well I guess the point is that you shouldn’t need all these method calls to achieve simple goals. Most of those “getF” are calls to some SystemFactory to get a GenericObjectFactory and so on and so forth.
This just tells me you don’t use Java. Factory classes are just used to create objects in a standardized way, but this code isn’t creating anything, it’s just getting nested fields from already instantiated objects.
Thos code is obviously nonsense to show the issue.
But other languages would simplify stuff. For example, some languages call getters implicitly, so
. Same with list indexing, which could be done with operator overloading, sox.get(i)
.In this situation that would be able to reduce the character count a fair bit.
But that’s functionally no different than what’s already there…
The reason the lines are so long isn’t because of anything Java related, it’s because of the field names themselves.
Your post doesn’t seem to answer to anything I said in my post. Did you answer to the wrong post?
The new convention in modern Java is to use .field() instead of .getField().
What you’re complaining about isn’t Java, it’s object oriented programming, which Java basically forces on you. Verbosity is a flaw of OOP.
Both are exactly the same level of OOP, but the Java version is roughly twice as long. Add operator overloading to the mix and it becomes much worse:
x.field[5] * 6 + 3
All this has nothing to do with OOP, but with syntactic sugar that is applied.
What Dart looks like when written by ActionScript programmers
I used it with the default formater built in lsp, and it used so much space…
Yeah, better use the linter too, that way it’s limited to 80 characters
LOL, that said. The BEST thing I ever bought when WFH started was a 4k monitor.
The extra screen real estate is amazing
deleted by creator
Don’t forget the repository methods! getAllByTenantAndActiveAndCreatedAfterAndFirstNameContainsOrderByLastName
deleted by creator
Stop it!
But the stakeholders said they needed two new filter criteria!
Yeah that can get ugly but it’s still better than writing native queries because you know it’s gonna automatically translate to any db specific sql flavour.
When they get a bit too long and ugly I either write default methods using specifications or I create a more concisely named default method that wraps the verbose monster.
Or you could rename your fields to single characters! getAllByAAndBOrderByC
Now I feel dirty…
you forgot about AbstractSimpleShitLotsGoodLibrariesButWeDecidedToMakeOurOwn and AbstractSimpleShitLotsGoodLibrariesButWeDecidedToMakeOurOwnAbstractFactory
? I’m disappointed. (Typo is intentional)
that’s some serious chaining lol
I work with Java almost exclusively, and I am in need.
Program in assembly, 40 columns is plenty. You just need an awful lot of rows.
We need the same monitor, vertically!
The Samsung 55" Oddity in ‘cockpit’ mode has you covered.
Samsung 55" Odyssey in cockpit mode.
Oh god, that is awful.
I want one.
Just think of that hurt my neck. Imagine have to constantly look upward.
removed by mod
Clever, at that point, I guess there better be a coding mode in a VR headset that I can have as many desktop/monitor as I want.
One problem solved. Three problems created. SOP.
As someone that first learned to program in 8008 machine code, you aren’t really wrong, but formatting is and always will be for the weak.
Same monitor, just rotate it.
If you don’t use a vertical monitor I don’t consider you a real programmer.
Joke’s on you: I don’t consider myself a real programmer either
Gonna need a factory or two imo
Damn it hurts my eyes. I don’t like when verbose languages require such long lines, it feels uncomfortable.
Oh come on, first time I actually want someone to post a link for an “ad” and not one in sight
I’m using this one, highly recommend it! 240hz refresh rate, HDR, perfect for coding and gaming. Don’t know if it’s the exact same as the one in OP’s pic, but same concept for sure.
https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/monitors/gaming/49–odyssey-g95na-gaming-dqhd-led-monitor-ls49ag952nnxza/I’ve bought one and sent it back again. I felt like I’m not utilizing most of the space since I had to move my head too much to see windows on either side.
I’m now using two 4k Screens. In in the middle and one to the side, but rotates by 90 degrees. Can recommend that. Though for gaming… I can imagine it there.
Personal preference I guess.
I recently switched desks at my company and found one with two monitors. The seam was right in front of me. So if you have a task that has you watching a single monitor most of the time, you’re always looking to one side.
I stopped wondering why the colleague who sat there before was complaining of neck pain.
Do you think this screen would cause less neck pain if you were primarily focusing on just one side?
Judging from my work – sourcecode, which has short lines and is read from left to right – I think so. I’d either have to balance the editor in the center or always look at the left edge.
For a dual screen setup, you could just offset the screens. Primary screen straight ahead, secondary on whichever side works best for you. This is how I used to work.
Oh yeah, it was brutal to play Apex on initially, but eventually you relearn where your eye needs to dart to to see your health and stuff and it gets a lot easier.
Then you learn how to process all that peripheral information and nobody can sneak up on you ever again lol.
Jfc. Do people really write code like this? I’ve been writing code in Java for 15+ years and have never seen anything like this.
You need more skill, not a wider monitor. SMH.
Hello world in Java:
class 9-A { public static endangered therefore protected final void main(String[] args) { System.prepareTheOutputBufferForPrintingAsTheNextStatementWillDoSo(args); System.in.out.in.out.shake.it.all.around("Java is a programming language " + "invented by the intelligent monkeys " + "working at Sun Microsystems."); return void; // duh! } }
ROFL you’ve proved my point. Just because Java gives you an opportunity to hang yourself doesn’t mean you should or have to.
You took one line of code and turned it into a novel. Bad programmers do this and then ignorant folks blame it on the language when it’s really just a lack of knowledge/skill.
You must be fun at parties! Seriously, this is a meme sub and the wildly exaggerated helloworld example I pasted (from this hilarious article) is obviously satire. I agree, that
- There are way worse programming languages than Java
- The verbosity is not the biggest problem of java, it is rather the dogmatic OOP paradigm that sucks.
I get making fun of java’s verbosity for things like checked exceptions but hello world really isn’t that much worse than most other languages especially considering all the “boilerplate” is required for any program more complicated than hello world in pretty much every language. But if a useless program really is too verbose for you see java 21.
void main() { System.out.println("hello world"); }
Yeah, you never see this in enterprise settings. Sure builders or streams can get a bit long but you just pop each .x() on a new line.
And when they’re on new lines intellij has a cool feature where it creates a little UI only comment next to the line showing what type it returns.
In an enterprise setting we’d definitely create a method in that object what would have that chain in it, and call that instead… It seems like it’s used over, and over again.
Anyhow, we’re sitting here trying to make sense of something that obviously some sort of joke haha.
Man we’re such fucking nerds.
Somewhere someone probably does… But this piece of code really look like someone either tried to inline a bunch of calls or this is code generated object mapper from json or other nested model.
Nobody with a sane mind and serious attitude will use this code as a “real” code. (I still believe in people, despite all the evidence to the contrary I get every day)
As a fun bit though this taken some dedication.