I’d like to see just how horrible someone can make a site. Facebook is a good contender.
Try using Instagram without an account and no app, basically impossible.
The only way I’ve worked out how to even save Instagram images locally is using the page information (ctrl+i) Media tab in Firefox and sort through it to find it there. Terrible for an image hosting website.
It’s not an image hosting site, it’s a social media site whose goal is to keep you coming back for more. The easier it is for you to save their content locally, the less likely you are to spend as much time on their site.
And the fact that people flock there despite that is a way I feel more and more distant from humanity…
If you’re running Windows, though, you can use the Snipping Tool to grab the part of the screen you want to save, which may or may not have an image in it.
I prefer the PrintScr key on my keyboard, personally.
Doesn’t that call the same snipping tool? Anyway, saving from source may preserve quality a bit better
I don’t think so. I’ve been using PrintScr longer than the snipping tool has existed.
I’m not sure what “saving from source” would be for a screenshot. What do you mean there?
It’s doable if you open everything in new tabs. Still not a good experience though.
Good to know in a pinch! Luckily I never had to spend time there.
I once had to use the NY State government website for info. Finally found the page. Open page up and see a blue background with dark blue font. Un fucking readable.
Some government created sites I had to use for byrocratic reasons.
Fragile Mods. Shitty trolls. Dishonest engagements. Little to no good discussion. Opinions are seen as attacks. Power-tripping users and mods alike. Karma whores.
And now, more bots than ever!
Just less users, making the bots more visible. You’ve had repost bots all through, we just assumed it was actual people trying to score cheap karma.
Can’t stand the staleness. Apart from the frigging bots and automods, it feels like a bunch of boring, shallow, sated establishment guys that like “pretending that one could be hip with a mortgage payment,” as Bela Koe-Krompecher once put it.
Doesn’t exist any more, but definitely traumatized me as a child.
If you haven’t heard of it, it was basically a video hosting site focusing on extreme violence and gore.
Tons of clips of people being killed or horrifically maimed in war, car accidents, industrial accidents, ‘extreme’ magic shows gone wrong, brutal gang attacks, straight up snuff videos…
Some videos off the top of my head I won’t ever be able to erase from my memory:
The beheading of Daniel Pearl.
Low resolution video of 9/11, but you could make out people jumping from the towers… and splattering all over the ground. The camera man tracked people the entire distance they fell.
Some insane magic show gone wrong where a man chain sawed his wife in half … she hadn’t managed to fold herself into the right position inside the magic box… her screams and twitching legs were not an act.
A video taken in Fallujah (I think?) of an Iraqi hopped up on an absurd amount of drugs, taken from a US soldier who had just dismounted with most of his squad from a humvee.
Him and others advance down the middle of a street towards the soldiers, all holding AKs. A volley of fire from the dismounted soildiers either took out all the group, leaving them with chunks blown off, writhing in agony, or scattering…
Except this one guy. He’s clearly seriously wounded, but is still advancing basically blind firing his AK.
The US soldiers are in shock that he’s still walking.
Now for a burst from a 50 cal.
Huge parts of this guy’s body are visibly blown off of him, but he still advances.
A second, more sustained 50 cal burst basically liquifies him where he stood.
That and rotten.com have been responsible for a lot of my insomnia, and probably a good chunk of my misanthropy.
You can’t unsee things, folks. Don’t give in to the temptation. It’s not worth it.
deleted by creator
Ehhh I was on stile, ogrish, rottten very young, then /b/ when it first came out, then WPD, eyeblech, NSFW__, etc and I’m doing great. Some folks handle things differently… I’ve seen worse stuff than any of those sites and while it was horrible stuff, I’m aite
The thing is, none of that stuff bothered me much at the time because I was young (early 20’s) and naive about the long term impact that kind of thing can have on a person. It was voyeuristic thrill seeking and I got my thrills and had no regrets for a long time.
It was later in life as I matured and began to appreciate the complexity and wonder of the world, and my sense of empathy truly blossomed, that the things I saw and heard back then started to weigh on me. And that’s where my “you can’t unsee things” comment serves as a warning.
Yes, everyone is different and will be affected differently by viewing such things. But I think most people are going to suffer trauma from seeing that stuff. I don’t think being negatively affected by it makes someone better, worse, more or less empathetic, etc, than someone who is ‘immune’ to it. People have different strengths. The problem is, it’s hard to tell which way your brain is going to go with that info ahead of time, and your reaction to those memories can change greatly with the passage of time. That’s why I say it’s not worth it. This late in life I don’t need the images of mangled motorcyclists, violent suicides, videos showing scattered burning remains of airshow accident victims, or the untold horrors of wars I never fought in, all seared into my brain. The hilariously ironic part is that I have aphantasia, so while I can’t visualize these things, I can still REMEMBER them and be bothered by them when my mind wanders that way. And aphantasia does nothing about remembering the screams of the people who just lost loved ones in horrible ways.
That stuff didn’t ruin my life. But I’d be better off not having sought it out or seeing so much of it. People should think hard before they decide to put that stuff in their head. It’s hard to get out, sometimes impossible.
That’s completely fair! I’m almost 40 though and I guess I’m just… I didn’t have the same experience. Maybe later on in life? But I don’t think so. I’m not immune to it (or anything), I’m a lot more careful in lite after seeing so many ways to die. But when I think of the things I’ve seen, I’m not bothered.
I used to climb on the roof of my house as a kid and shimmy along the narrow in the middle of the night, just for kicks.
I look back on myself decades later and shudder. I am dead in many parallel worlds.
Sometimes I think back to the shit we saw, and I’m a little amazed so many of us came out so well.
And then elections happen, and well…
I also came out fine even if I saw those horrible videos. But it’s a bit sad that it’s so hard to find those kind of websites nowadays. Social media just censors everything.
I miss the good old wild west of the internet.
2 guys 1 hammer is no joke
Thankfully that’s one I’ve only heard about and was wise enough not to watch.
When I was a lot younger and dumber I used to hang out on 4chan. Still can’t unsee shoveldog
I’ll bite.
4chan both is and is many different places at once.
It’s a huge retro gaming community, a rather tame cosplay community, a fantastic literature community, the largest individual DOOM community on the entire internet, a played entirely straight paranormal board that will take you seriously in many instances, and one of the best music forums on the internet, not to mention many of our first introductions to arch and Gentoo came from /g/, and that fancy neofetch you all like so much(quit using it).
SURROUNDED BY pedophiles, nazis, lolcows, narcissists and trolls.
That’s correct. Then 2016 happened and infected the whole website.
Yeah and /wg/ is pretty good so long as you scroll past the fash threads.
The decent communities give legitimacy to /pol/
Nextdoor has gotta be in the top 10.
It is amazing how toxic people on that site are. Especially when you consider it’s not anonymous and the people are literally in your neighborhood
It’s a shitshow. LinkedIn, too.
I think the time I was like 7 and was looking at hamster photos on Google to print and cut out. Scrolling along I couldn’t find any that looked exactly like my hamster named Cinnamon after a black streak along his back.
Getting to the 3rd or 4th “load more” buttons on Google and it started showing me stuff that wasn’t hamsters I got desperate. I saw there were a few images that had text along the top and bottom, “for more cute hamster photos go to xhamster.com”.So naturally, I went there.
Turns out xhamster.com was not a site where hamsters share selfies and is, instead, pornography.
Website designed by hateful people who seem to make it as hard as possible to pay duty fees on parcels.
Rule 34?
The site says it’s closing August of 2020…
I… Why that sounds dangerous?
The color blue is not for rent, they’re giving that shit away.
You can, by going to the coupon page of this Web Site, print out coupons for trail rides and receive great discounts.
I like the random red button on the left with no description. Had to click
This one is gold
Blue, actually. Very, very, very blue.
Literally 4chan, but worse.
How do you even land there?
I only know 4chan through comments, I wouldn’t even bother looking for another site like that lol.
4chan wasn’t even the first, it was an English version of a japanese site (futaba channel) which was an image board version of a forum (2channel).
Back in the late aughts, there were a ton of *chan sites. Some even more unsavory than 4chan.
An absolute classic
You spin a wheel and they ship you free meat. I couldn’t disagree with you more. I recommend anyone try it out. I don’t know why it exists, but my freezer is stocked.
You spin me right round baby right round.
Lord I remember my friends throwing this shit on school computers…
Flo Rida ruined meatspin for me.
Goatse raises an objection.
Reminds me of freshman year in college… people would sneak into each others rooms and put it up on each other’s computers, trying to see if they could set a record for most spins.
Stileproject and rotten.com were absolute horror shows. Stileproject just seems to be porn now, but I saw a photo once in like 2005 or so of a guy standing on his head with his legs apart with a full size fire extinguisher jammed deeply into his ass.
Tame by extreme internet shock content standards
Well it was quite a sight back then when porn wasn’t quite so niche.
There was also a guy on Tumblr who seemed to have turned his entire colon inside out.
Ooooo you must be between the ages of 35 and 43 if you’ve been to old-school* stileproject! What a throwback!
I’m 50. We do know about the internet!
I was CLOSE!