• @Passerby6497@lemmy.world
        14 days ago

        More chemical food dyes are allowed by the EU.

        But their regulations are more strict overall. There are a lot of US foods can’t be imported without reformulating the product.

        Which fascist did whatever EU country vote for this term?

        Bruh, we literally just elected a fascist felon who tried to overthrow the government when he lost the last time who openly surrounded himself with fascists pushing project 2025. It’s not even a close challenge…

          • Da Bald Eagul
            814 days ago

            People voting for fascists ≠ bad democracy.

            The democracy in the USA is bad because you have a two-party system, meaning that there’s barely any choice. In the Netherlands, we have a whole bunch of political parties that share space in Parliament, so that representation is proportional to the votes.

            As a result, we have both the PVV and GL-PvdA in Parliament; one is very right on most subjects, the other is pretty leftist.