• Yerbouti
    142 months ago

    Lol what? Because there’s McDonalds in Italy they should stop speaking Italian? Sorry but that’s a really closed mind and bordelline stupid take. My first langage is french and I would never chose english over it. It’s part of my identity. Also, being billigual is really easy, for some reason only native english speaker seems to have difficulty with it… so either you’re just a lazy as fuck, or just unable to learn a second language…

      • Yerbouti
        2 months ago

        Pauvre petit chou, ça fait mal à tes petites oreilles de flocon d’entendre du français ? Est-ce que c’est parce que t’es trop idiot pour apprendre une autre langue ou t’es simplement juste un gros perdant anglo-supremaciste? Je te le dis en bon québécois, va chier tabarnak.

    • Lemminary
      22 months ago

      There’s some irony there in telling people it’s easy to learn a second language and the stereotype of French people having the patience of a peanut for language learners. Lol

      I’m not saying you’re wrong I just thought it was funny.

      • Yerbouti
        32 months ago

        Not sure about French, but in Quebec we love it when people want to learn french. My ex was an anglo and the accent when they speak french sounded crazy sexy to me lol.

      • @dustyData@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The horrible implication by your previous comment’s logic and this link is that Europe should drop all languages except Russian. Or, if only EU countries apply, everyone should speak German, as it’s obviously the predominant language. Also, this link absolutely destroys your idea that “they aren’t unique cultures”, there are at least 120+ distinct cultures in Europe, just by languages alone. This is like looking at Japan and thinking that they must be Americans because they eat KFC on Christmas.

        • @rational_lib@lemmy.world
          -12 months ago

          It’s hard to see the downside of everyone speaking Russian or German when compared with the current situation, but English would be better because 1) It would require the fewest people to learn a new language (sort by total speakers in the link above) 2) would be best for communicating with visitors and 3) fuck Russia

          • zout
            22 months ago

            With your points you could also argue that the US should switch to Spanish.